Regretfully putting up my prized collection of 8 SPYY White Powdercoated Addicts, the Saturn Precision YoYos WPCA, for sale.

Because I CAN though, there is one caveat: I’ll only let them go if they ALL sell, individually or as a group.
I know, I’m a jerk; it’s all or none. Not sorry.

Eight buyers will need to opt in (or less, if someone wants multiples) the YoYo(s) will be held pending; and once all 8 are spoken for, the transactions can be carried out. Once they are all paid, they’ll ship.
No funds are required up front to opt in, of course.
Serious buyers only please.

The 9th WPCA is spoken for, but not by me.
Price point each is $300.00 shipped.
PayPal only, GS fee paid by buyer. F&F requests approved at my discretion.
No trades


OMG, if these don’t go fast, I’ll definitely pick one up when I get enough money to spend!

I’ll take 2. :drooling_face:

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4 left.

Wow! One of the greatest throws ever imo. :raised_hands:t3:
Don’t have the scratch for it but sooooo rad.

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Sorry if I ask, but for better understanding of the text also by people from other countries you could avoid acronyms and abbreviations with the initials only.
Thanks so much.

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The initials on the yoyos are the prospective buyers. So far 6 of these are spoken for and there are 3 left

I was referring to the sales text, WPCA, F&F, GS f( r )ee paid …

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The acronym comes directly after what it’s referencing

SPYY White Powdercoated Addicts, the Saturn Precision YoYos WPCA,


fabrizio, there is only one left… will you be the one of us?

Count me in for one :smiley:

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all gone… owner of this thread is getting his settings updated, lol

And I’m Back!!

All units are sold. I will contact everyone via message here at YYE or on FB as you’re scattered all over.



I have 1 backup buyer waiting in case someone backs out (might be a possibility) and if that happens 2 will be available. Anyone else? Just in case.

Disregarding your reservation due to no contact or replies since close of sale.

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