The following yoyos are for sale. Payment via paypal only please. If you are outside of the US, ask me about shipping costs.
Mint SPYY El-Ranchero - Looking for $70 shipped or best offer! PENDING SALE!
Probably the most beautiful yoyo in my collection. Dead smooth, one of the best playing SPYY’s I’ve ever thrown. Star grade for a very small anodization issue on the rim!
If you have any questions, requests, or offers please let me know!
Thanks for looking!
All pictures are now up. If you have any questions, shoot me a message! Thanks guys!
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On the off-chance you hadn’t realized, theyre on sale now through YYE: YoYoExpert - Yo-Yo Store - Buy & Shop Modern Yo-Yos!
Thanks - Yes they are finally up. We sent a hand full, sorry we were a bit late though.

I was hoping for a quick cash offer, but I’ll start taking trade offers now. Let me know what you’ve got!
Bump! Marmot is pending a trade!
Bump! Lots of new yoyos added!
Triton sold! Still haven’t had a chance to take pictures!
All pictures added, prices dropped! Thanks for looking!
Down to just the Ranchero now!