FS: * sold * TMBR 2020 Oak PockeHt

Hi friends! I was soooo excited for the PockeHt but I just cannot get the axle system to work well for me. So rather than struggle or shove it in a drawer, I figured I would see if anyone wanted to give it a nice, new home!

Mine is an oak 2020 PockeHt — plays great with a solid, weighty feel except for some minor scuffs on the rims from the handful of nuclear fission events where the yoyo has spun loose and come apart on me. These have always happened at home on hardwood or a rug.

Since it’s otherwise in really good shape, and these were in demand, I was thinking $70 shipped via USPS Priority to CONUS.

Hit me up with questions or if you’re interested :wave:



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Just a tip but if you put some plumbers tape around the axle it will fix the issue of it coming apart.


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