FS - RARE Jake Bullock BAPE Slim Dunk & BAPE Dressel Designs 50/50

I’ve already sent it to the parties involved.


Ah i see

Hello to all

I deeply apologize to the entire community

These yo-yos will be shipped very soon, to the 2 individuals who purchased from me, I will be throwing in MANY EXTRA throws ! To say sorry, I promise!

I am without a car right now, I work 9-7 Monday-Saturday at the moment and it’s been hard to go to the post office

I will be going into work late Monday so I can get these sent out!

To the individual who bought 4 yo-yos I’m giving you 7!

To the gentleman who ordered the cheatcode, I’m throwing in a plastic cheatcode

I’m sorry community, I’m embarrassed at my current situation but I will get them shipped, if you don’t have a tracking number MONDAY, call the police

That is a guarantee


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i genuinely am sorry for lack of communication, i was too embarrassed to admit it- but yes im currently without my car, i swear on my life, tracking number will be provided monday by 5pm eastern standard time, i will be throwing in many many many more things due to the inconvenience


you said you already shipped everything and have a tracking for it a week ago.
now you say youll ship the things

which is it ? why should you be trusted now if you lied before ?


brother, monday i swear to God- you will have a tracking number and ill have you 7 throws, im throwing in a free clyw for you along side a couple others, plz brother i promise- monday i will PM you it! okay i swear -

like i said- if you dont have a tracking number monday, contact law enforcement, i am serious

my lack of communication has been awful and im deeply saddened that i have betrayed the community, my entire engine in my car is damaged and i work from home, i am sorry, i will get these shipped out i promise! im so so so so sorry

i bought these throws from isaac a few months back, then i got in a financial bind and had to sell start selling some of them, sorry to explain my personal life but i am no theif, i just am a man who got way to caught up in unfortunate situations, i promise i will make this up to the 2 gentlemen who purchased from me and i will restore my trust i have in the yoyo community.

please please please forgive me, i wouldve just refunded the money yet i had exacly $33.05 in my bank account which is just enough to pay $15 shipping for each box, i swear i will make this up to you, im sitting here crying writing this message due to me ruining a reputation in a community ive loved since i was 8 years old, im 22 now, im so sorry

please, give me until monday all of you <3 <3 <3


I cant speak for anyone else but this is certainly an understandable and frankly relatable problem. Everyone gets in binds (see what i did there?) sometimes. It’s the lack of communication that sets everyone off because then it seems intentional. With such a small and tightly knit community, trust is everything.

I, for one, respect that you at least came forward and are owning up. I believe if you were trying to scam, we wouldnt have heard from you again, but i was not personally involved and only speak for myself.

As for your troubles, hang in there, there’s always a fix even if it seems bleak sometimes. I hope things get better for you and you can put all of this behind you. In the meantime, grab a yoyo and throw some troubles away


already sent a DM. i dont mind giving it one more chance (no extras please). its not a good look to only reply when given no choice but to. but you have another chance from me at least. wont win your trust back but itll be a step for it.


I was going to suggest that. Does anybody know where he is from? I know people have gotten sheriffs involved and it worked. I can’t recall if they got the throws or the money, but regardless, they got it sorted. If anyone knows what city he is in, you can call his local police and they will pay him a visit in person. This is straight up theft and, absolutely, a police report should be made. Local to him would be best, but if we don’t have that info, I imagine your local police will take a report just the same.

Edit: I said all this before I realized @Justynlol had responded and promised to get them out Monday. I have no hog in this race, but if it were me, I would give him until then and only call the police if you still don’t have tracking by Monday evening.

brother read my most recent message, they are being shipped monday, im going into work late just to do so, im walking 4.2 miles to my local post office then clocking into work once im back home.

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Hey, let’s not give the skeezballs any ideas please!

Most likely, it would be your $600, as you are the peak queen, apparently :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I just made it all the way through the thread. I didn’t realize you had already responded when I typed that one. I was just replying as I made my way through.

I’m happy you spoke up. Good on you for being honest this time (I hope).

Just remember brother, everyone that I have encountered in this community is cool and patient. If you are honest with them and just keep in contact, they will be chill, I can almost guarantee. It’s when you catch yourself up in lies that we lose our chill. I’ve had people take weeks to ship, but they have always, at the very least, replied and explained truthfully when I asked so I have never had a reason to leave bad feedback.

I strongly advise against saying you have shipped when you haven’t or lying in general. I’m sure this is a lesson you learned already and don’t need me to tell you.

I’m sorry things are hard for you right now. Hard times find us all. It’s going to get better and then probably worse and back and forth like that for the rest of our lives. Hang in there brother. If you ever need advice or someone to vent to, my inbox is open.

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its okay, i shoudve been honest from the beginning, no worries


Only commenting because he got caught… He’ll most likely bail on the sales… Sucks for those that sent money.

Mr. Anthony, i get where youre coming from but if i truly planned to scam then id be aware that police showing up are a possibility the entire time, i also woudnt have used my legal first name, nor would i scam over a $30 cheatcode, i promise you, i get where you are coming from once again but i promise you, thats just genuinely not the case but i do appreciate you looking out for the community


never communicates updates. lied and broke promises.
will not recommend ever.

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i shipped it yesterday, via usps- let me get u your tracking number - sign up for the USPS informed delivery and u can see the tracking number! ty

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if you have a tracking number you shouldve sent it to me, or tell me you shipped something. you didnt bother.

if its shipped its shipped. up to you if you want to cancel the mail and refund me.
or you want to see if paypal contacts you and can clarify things before they take action.

if they take action and i do receive what was paid for then ill gladly repay it.


it has been shipped as of yesterday like i stated, i got my girlfriend to do it for me so i could guarantee that it got sent out, opposed to me walking to the Post office early in the am, She was given a receipt but didnt know she needed to keep it, the gentleman yesterday got his tracking number doing it that way, i was only trying to help, they said shipping will take about 3 days per my gf- i get why youre upset. but it was shipped out yesterday

they sent it to her # thankfully

Tracking number is 9500113446764176874850

as you can see, it was dropped off yesterday 6/24/24

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