FS: Older throws (YYJ/Duncan), OG CLYW Yeti, OD Cafe Racer, Dingo

First up is my Worlds 2006 YYJ X-ConVict. Never thrown but unfortunately the hubs are cracked. Looking for reasonable offers on this one, I was told $120-150 but open to anything since it’s damaged.

National Yo Yo Museum FHZ. One cap is cracked. Apparently these aren’t worth much so pay shipping and it’s yours.

Takeshi modded/painted FHZ. I’m led to believe offers around $100 for this one would be reasonable.

Original Metal Freehand Zero. Faded on one side. Again I understand these aren’t worth much so pay shipping and it’s yours.

Steve Brown FH2. Another worthless one by my understanding. Pay shipping.

OG CLYW Yeti. No box. As close to mint as you’ll get for a decade old yoyo. Offers around $90 as prices for these seem to be all over the place

OD Cafe Racer. Has a couple of dings (pictured). $50

OD Nickel Dingo. Led to believe these are hard to find but it is dinged, ideal pocket throw I guess. $100 SOLD PENDING PAYMENT.

If my prices are miles out then please tell me/send me an offer.

Also I am located in the UK. I can ship worldwide and will get accurate prices but it’s likely to be around $25 for one, but only about $35 for 4.


@Basix cafe :grimacing:

I’m in for the three shipping freehands.

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