Archive please

All prices are shipped in the USA, payment is PayPal friends and family or you cover fees.

OG CLYW Yeti - Brown and grey halfswap(gives off Eetsit feels). Mint. Smoothest Yeti I have played, 9.5/10 on smoothness. $110 slashed down to $90

General yo Torrent ll + - Made in USA at Ernie’s shop. Minor marks on it, it’s been played and rightfully so, 9.5/10 on smoothness, grinds great with that OG General yo blast $110 slashed down to $85

End 2 Finale (from production run, not b grade) It has battle scars but they have been smoothed down with sandpaper and cannot be felt on hand grinds. 9.5/10 on smoothness Sold and buyer is getting the Deepstate as well for free.

A-RT Sparrow - sold

General yo OG Ministar - pending


Killer throws. Killer prices. Killer dude. Don’t hesitate, friends!

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Would you sell just the End part 2?

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Maybe in the future, going to keep it as a bundle with the Deepstate for now. If I separate them, I will contact you before I do.

Bump. I’m going to post office tomorrow, so anything purchased today is getting shipped fast.

Apologies for bumping twice in one day but made some price drops to get rid of these.