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I fell in love with Dressel Designs overnight, and as much as it pains me to sell these, it will help me start a DD collection. PayPal friends and family and I will ship tomorrow. Shipping limited to USA, and price includes shipping.

Star Spangled General yo Hatrick - Mint and no vibe. Onedrop machined them, Ernie put his famous blast on them and then he sent them out to be beautifully anodized for this final run that went to yoyoexpert a few years ago. $175 shipped Sold Sold Sold

OG CLYW Black Yeti - from the first run of Yetis, which many say is the best run. I am inclined to agree as this is the best one I have ever played from all the colors. Extremely minor fingernail vibe. I can’t stand vibe and this isn’t noticeable enough to bother me. Bearing seat is perfectly fine. Comes with box, sticker on it in tact. $90 shipped


I’m drooling over that Hatrick… don’t tell my other yo-yos. :joy:

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Gonna move to the US for this


If this is a grail for you, reach out, I’ll figure out international shipping.

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Final thing and I won’t bump again until tomorrow.

I’d be willing to entertain trades combined if you have:

Black Oasis
Pokemon related Kantos
Rare Monarch colors


Hatrick sold, Yeti still available


Oh no juat saw this

I appreciate it though, thanks

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Whoever bought that Hatrick has excellent taste.


Yeti traded/sold. Thank you everyone


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