FS: Duncan, Freshly Dirty, Scales, G2, YYF, etc

I’m headed to the Chesapeake Classic this weekend and need some funds for travel. I’m always open to offers. Facebook only allows 10 photos, so pm me or comment if you want more! Please add $4 for shipping in the US. If you’re international, we can talk.

  1. Duncan Unknown FH Al $70 - mint, tiny bit of fingernail vibe with caps in. Dead smooth without caps.

  2. PENDING Duncan Freehand One Al $30 - mint body, dimples in caps from trying to remove them. This bad boy is 5A ready AKA it has a noticeable finger/string vibe. It’s pretty. Destroy it.

  3. Luke Vader modded and Calico Joe dyed Freehand Zero $70 - Love this yoyo, but I love my other FHZs way more. It’s half pad recessed. One cap is a bit loose so there’s a piece of friction sticker in it to keep it secure :ok_hand:

  4. SOLD RCS Hipster Highlife $60 - mint and DEAD smooth. Super fun yoyo.

  5. YYF California (Joy Division Unknown Pleasures rip off logo) $40 - Mint, has a tiny bit of fingernail vibe, but it’s smooth as ever on the string.

  6. G Squared Respawn Prototype $60 - mint and smooth. Best responsive metal I’ve played.

  7. SOLD Freshly Dirty Cardboard Steamboat $70 - Mint and DEAD smooth. It’s seriously hard to tell if it’s even still spinning. Best organic yoyo from FD.

  8. SOLD Smashing x Scales Float $70 - Mint and smooth. Keiran has touched this yoyo… like a lot. Buy it. Taste it.

  9. SOLD Karma Return Tops Proto $50 - This is a proto from a small company. I don’t think it was ever officially released. It plays like a p h a t Grail. Press-fit caps. Super satisfying.

Thanks for looking!



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Bump. A few have sold. Thanks to everyone who’s bought something. :heart:

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