I scroll down the Board just about every day.
I’m always looking for something interesting.
As often as not, what turns out to be ‘more interesting’ than the yo-yos for sale, is the increasing number of people selling yo-yos that specifically state ‘friends and family only’.
I have noticed the subtle change. First it was goods and services. Then, goods and services or friends and family, g and s preferred. Then…. Friends and family preferred or buyer pays the g and s fees. Then, friends and family preferred.
Now, friends and family ‘Only’.
After ‘All’ the threads on the fee subject. And ‘All’ the potential negatives of using friends and family, the f & f option seems to be increasing instead of decreasing.
….My first thought for this thread was to take a Poll. But, I have a better idea to get enough meat to make an actual sandwich people might find edible….
For just about everybody not brand new to the forum, we have learned a few things about both options.
Firstly, PayPal is a For Profit Business model. They are not a Non Profit. They are not the Salvation Army. They are not Goodwill. They do not work for Mother Teresa. They are not an extension of Santa’s Generosity.
PayPal makes money by moving money. They facilitate part of the process of getting deals done. When Goods and Services is used, PayPal makes it more difficult to ‘Go South on a transaction’.
They Police the deals and try to keep things on the level.
PayPal ‘earns their fees’ and anybody that suggests they don’t is insulting their own intelligence and the intelligence of others. People seem bent on coming up with countless ideas, rationalizing why PayPal should work ‘for free’.
No doubt, PayPal has come to realize the error of them coming up with the friends and family option. Their reasoning was simple enough. To be generous enough to allow people to legitimately make transactions with ‘actual friends and family’. To encourage good feelings and allow people to make some moves because they shouldn’t need buyer protection when dealing with friends and family.< What could go wrong with people you trust, right?
That being said, it seems to be the American way to perpetually figure out ways to take advantage of others and skirt the Rules.
Now, here is the purpose of this thread>
We all know, by now, the IRS stating that those generating over a certain amount of money, will be subject to possible taxing on the monies made.
We also all know that the Government spends 24 hours a day trying to figure out how to squeeze every damn penny out of us that they can.
So… with that being stated, here is the purpose of this thread>
I want to compile a list. Or should I say two lists? One list will most likely be much longer than the other. So we will have option A and option B.
Goods and Services is Option A and it’s pretty simple. You use PayPal to make transactions. You fully understand tha PayPal gets paid fees for providing money moving services and buyer protection.
Friends and Family is Option B. To play nice and not deliberately lie, you use friends and family specifically when dealing with actual friends and family.
Or…. All of a sudden, Everybody ‘is’ your friends or family, avoiding fees and keeping the IRS from pinning the tail on your donkey.
So, besides not wanting to get taxed on the money you make using PayPal, how many other reasons/advantages can you name that justify using friends and family?
Can anybody name any or all possible advantages of the f & f option?
PS… this isn’t an ‘I’m right because you’re wrong’ challenge. I can honestly say that a reasonable number of those requesting f&f are respected members of this yo-yo community. They have no problem suggesting you look up their Positive feedback reputations. So, I am not at all saying they are trying to pull a fast one on a buyer. I just want to understand any and ‘all’ the advantages of friends and family besides the Tax threat? Simple…
PS #2. I would actually like to thank the friends and family ‘only’ people. Because every week I see a few yo-yos that would love to buy. But, sadly they seem to be mainly F&F only.
….So, I am saving a whole lot of money each week as a direct result.
Thank you