freehand zero problem

i have a freehand zero and when you throw it it spins for like 4 seconds before it dies. plz help

Have you cleaned the bearing yet? I would start there. Also if its stock, take one of the friction stickers off of it. Other than modding it, that’s about all you can do other than working on your throw.

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Maybe you should get some Duncan silicone stickers

If that’s all you can get out of it I’d be inclined to think that your throw needs some work.

Duncan sili pads will be as responsive as regular duncan friction stickers. The big advantage to them is that they last much longer than the friction stickers.

Duncan sili pads will be as responsive as regular duncan friction stickers. The big advantage to them is that they last much longer than the friction stickers.
As in longer than 10 minutes? lol

The short answer is - YES.