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Worthwhile search if you get one. Unparalleled performance for an undersized yo. Good luck!


Bump still looking! I’ll take any color! Also looking for a blue Cenote


I got the sugar sand cenote and a blue isthmus recently. They’re both amazing but I know I would like a blue cenote so much more. This is my first experience with micro arc and I’m not a huge fan. It definitely kills spin and eats string a lot faster than regular ano. The finish on the isthmus is amazing. I’m hoping to get a blue one eventually too. Good luck on your hunt dude!


Thanks! Yeah I’ve been holding off on getting the sugar sand. I already have a moon rock on another model n not crazy about it. I wish they made more blue ones. Maybe I’ll give the that model a try u mentioned

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Isthmus is amazing. Not sure if I actually like it more or if it’s just because of the ano. They are hard to find but there is one place that might still have them in stock. Don’t get me wrong, Cenote is incredible too. I don’t regret getting sugar sand. I’d rather have it in that than not have it at all. Overall I’m super stoked to have both. Hit me up in the dms if you need help finding isthmus. They still have 2 in stock and 4 sugar sand cenotes.


Help me find one of these yo-yos please :pray:

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