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Looking for the wider version of the loonie, PM me


To be specific looking for a yoyo with a diameter and width in the 30’s or below do don’t bother with a 44 diameter and such


BUMP found a Kun still looking for another mini


Are there any others except the Looney, Flea and Kun? The man himself @codinghorror would know…

There’s a lot in the 30’s range such as Aoda Littles, dream yo Pixy, yoyomonster 3 points but they never show up

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EDIT realized I only have the og loonie not the American edition (wider one) will buy that one

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That one’s in stock I believe on YYE.


That’s the original version

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Did you contact @MrYoyoThrower at Rain City Skills? Jeremy might be able to help you at the company website. Don’t be afraid to ask.

Contacted him and Waylon crase they are sold out everywhere and they don’t have any. They recommended finding one on the bst.

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Bump still looking any condition will work