Forum Project :)

How long do I have again? I kind of want to enter too!

January 15th :wink:

Any news on how this is going?

I’m in! I’ll start working on a short clip after my Shutter comes in the mail! :smiley:

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i havent gotten any videos yet :stuck_out_tongue:

Did you get mine?

did you email them to me? they arent showing up in my inbox…

EDIT: just found your videos

Okay, great. I knew I sent them.

I also am wondering if you received my clip?

Nearly forgot about this. I’ll record tonight and have it sent to you tomorrow afternoon!

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no, maybe resend it if you can

Lol so its okay if i send in a video even if im somewhat a noob? My best trick so far is i can do all of kamikaze except the dreaded magic drop

Nvmjust realised im too late haha o well

im bumping till end of the month due to lack of entries so please go ahead and send somethinglol