Fixed Axle February 2025 is Here! WEEK 3

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Welcome to the YYBC’s Fixed Axle February (FAF) 2025!

Alright, dudes and dudettes, grab your scrunchies, slap bracelets, and cassette tapes, because FAF is back, proudly hosted by the YoYo Boomers Club! Let’s get into some of those old school vibes with a modern flair! It’s time to throw it back to when hairspray was plentiful, spandex was shiny, and fixed-axle yoyoing was, like, totally rad!

What is Fixed Axle February?

Fixed Axle February is all about ditching the high-tech gadgets and those needy bearings, and throwing it old-school. Think of it as the Atari of yoyoing: simple, retro, and endlessly fun! Dust off those wooden throws, channel your inner Marty McFly (stay away from your mom), and get ready to master the raddest stalls and tricks.


Because fixed axle is the Pac-Man of yoyoing, timeless and insanely satisfying.

This month is packed with totally righteous tricks, epic challenges, fun prizes, and support from some most excellent sponsors (cue mini guitar riff)! So, throw on your shades and buckle up for a gnarly ride.

Totally Awesome Challenges

Get ready for a month of radical fun with weekly and month-long trick ladders, creative challenges, and all the old-school glory your fixed axles can handle.

Bring your mullets, your leg warmers, your Walkmans, and your Big League Chew, and get ready for a blast from the past on your fingers.

What’s In It for You?

Prizes that are so sweet, they’ll make you feel like you just found a rare baseball card that you traded to your friend for a WWF Ice Cream Bar! With the help of our rad sponsors!

So, let’s all grab our No-Jives (wood is good), Butterflies, & Imperials, crank up the Def Leppard, and get ready to throw it to the max! FAF 2025 is going to be righteous!

Looking for the “Most Triumphant” merch? Click here!


Need Help with a trick? Check out our Discord Trick-Chat page: “I Need Help!”

Sponsor List / Prizes

  • @YoYoExpert – EH Fixed Wooden Yoyo, 4x Psychedelic Butterfly

  • Dazzling Dave - 3x Heritage Series Yoyos

  • @TryCatchThrow - 3x Cardigan Yoyos in the Jazz Colorway

  • @pyrotechnic’s Burnt Love - MR85 Glow Butterfly

  • @Ardeus - 8 x New design Yoyo

  • Layer Infinity - 3x Prizes

  • Bear & Fox Armoury - 2x Trad Yoyo Holsters, each made to order

  • CowClops - 1x Cowclops Secret Handshake (Coachwood with Leatherjacket and strings) , 1x Cowclops Hydr0A set , 1x Cowclops Leatherjacket CW , 1x Cowclops Log CW , 2x Cowclops Sacrificial String samplers

  • @Jerrod - $50 Yoyo Expert Giftcard for his Series.

“I Need Structure!” Well, here are the rules:

Trick List

Complete and post a trick from the Trick List for an entry into the main prize drawing. 1 entry per trick. 1 prize per person.

Throw with Ed Haponik (@edhaponik)

Complete and post a trick from the Throw with Ed Haponik series for an entry into a special prize drawing. 1 entry per trick.

3d Stop n Pop

Master Class with @Jerrod

Complete and post a trick from the Master Class with @Jerrod series for an entry into a special prize drawing. 1 entry per trick.


Ghost Trap


Dolphin Flip

Banana Slide

Hydr0A with CowClops (@Nic_from_Adelaide)

Complete and post a trick from the Hydr0A series for an entry into the CowClops Hydr0A prize drawing. 1 entry per trick.


Venn Diagram and Staccato Loops

Dazzling Dave Series

Each trick completed and posted earns a entry. Maximum 5 Entries.

Random Prize Drawing

All entries will be combined into a random drawing for the remaining prizes.

All Drawings will be completed at the end of the month. Winners will be contacted for Shipping information.

Most importantly, let’s all have some fun!


Let’s go!!!

FAF2025 Event Layout

Week 1:

Matt Mullins Intro Video

Beginner Series with Gnarly Charlie (2 Tricks per Week)

Throw with Ed Haponik Series (1 Trick per Week)

CowClops Hydr0A Series (1 Trick per Week)

Trick List (3 Tricks per Week? + Guest Trick?)

Month long Challenges;

Fixed Axle Master Class with Jarrod (All 5 Tricks posted week 1)

Dazzling Dave Looping Series (All 5 Tricks posted week 1 One Video supplied by Dave)

Week 2 through 4:

Beginner Series (2 Tricks)

Throw with Ed Haponik (1 Trick)

CowClops Hydr0A Series (1 Trick)

Trick List (3 Tricks per Week? + Guest Trick

FAF25 Sponsors & Prizes

  • Yoyo Expert –
    • EH Fixed Wooden Yoyo
    • 4x Psychedelic Butterfly
  • Dazzling Dave (Prizes for his Series)
    • 3x Heritage Series Yoyos
  • TryCatchThrow
    • 3x Cardigan Yoyos in the Jazz Colorway
  • Mothballz
    • MR85 Glow Butterfly
  • Ardeus
    • 8 x New design Yoyo
  • Layer Infinity
    • 3x Prizes
  • Bear & Fox Armoury
    • 2x Trad Yoyo Holsters, each made to order
  • CowClops
    • 1x Cowclops Secret Handshake (Coachwood with Leatherjacket and strings)
    • 1x Cowclops Hydr0A set
    • 1x Cowclops Leatherjacket CW
    • 1x Cowclops Log CW
    • 2x Cowclops Sacrificial String samplers
  • Jarrod -
    • $50 Yoyo Expert Giftcard for his Series.


  • Beginner Series;

    • Layer Infinity x1
    • Try Catch Throw x1
    • Ardeus x1
    • Mothballz
      • MR85 Glow Butterfly With Mothballz Counterweight.
  • Throw with Ed Series

    • YYE - EH Yoyo
    • Layer Infinity x1
    • Ardeus x1
  • CowClops Series -

    • Cow Clops Hydr0A Pair
    • TryCatchThow x1
    • Areduss x1
  • Master Class –

    • YYE Gift Card – from Jarrod
    • Aredis X2
  • Dazzling Dave Series –

    • Dazzling Dave Heritage Yoyos x3
  • Trick List/ Guest –

    • Layer Infinity x1
    • TryCatchThrow x1
    • Ardeus x2
    • YYE Butterflies x2
    • Bear & Fox Armoury -
      • 2x Trad Yoyo Holsters, each made to order – Ideally to be given away the weeks of Xanadu’s trick tutorials (likely week 2 and 3) but could also be random drawing prizes.
  • Random Prize Drawing –

    • Ardeus x1
    • YYE Butterflies x 2
    • CowClops Fixie
    • ThrowYo Random Donations (Stickers/String)
    • CowClops additional items.
    • Any other Donations?
    • throw yo provisions


  • Series -

    • Complete and post a trick in a series for an entry in the prize drawing. Complete all tricks in the Series for an additional entry in the drawing. Max entries 2 per participant per series.
  • Trick Lists-

    • Complete and post a trick from the Trick List for an entry in the prize drawing. Max of 4 entries per participant for the event.
  • Random Prize Drawing -

    • All entries will be combined and a random drawing will be completed for the remaining prizes.

All Drawings will be completed at the end of the event. Winners will be contacted for Shipping information.

Separate imperial challenge via @Slestak75


:raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands: woohoo!!!


Hey! Throw-Yo Threads will toss in 3 packs of Jazz Emulsion strings as prizes, as well as 6 of these Butterfly Cap Stickers:


I’m new to this, and I am not a smart man.

The below three, I can probably learn these three for sure. Are the below three for week 1, or the whole month?

Tape Measure


Trapeze Stall & Sidewinder

I think it’s the whole month, so I basically make three videos and get three out of 4 entries?


Let’s go! :partying_face: If anyone needs help with or has any questions about my tricks, hit me up.


This is gonna be so cool!!!


There will be additional tricks added each week so you’ll have other options as well. :slight_smile:

Props Boomers for all the work that goes into carrying this on and making it so cool and engaging.


wahoo! kickt off right :call_me_hand:


So, if I complete 1 trick from a series, I’m entered into the prize drawing for that series as well?




Awwwww yeah!

1 Like


I would like to add to the fun with a few added prizes. Please bear with me those who don’t know… I have stroke damage in my brain so please bear with me. I have a limited number (22) of counterweights from @Nic_from_Adelaide
I have spent this last week at the hospital with my daughter who had lung surgery so I’m off to a slow start and I’ll get pics and numbers later today.
So here’s the skinny.
These counterweights will be a prize for anyone who completes an IMPERIAL CHALLENGE. Here are the rules:
IMPERIAL CHALLENGE: anyone who completes any of the challenges presented this month on an Imperial yo-yo will be rewarded with ONE of these counterweights. As I have only a limited number available and this is a personal and not an official prize, only one Imperial Challenge can be awarded per person… and when the supplies are depleted, I have no provisions for added prizes. (Perhaps this will change later in the month but I have no plan at present) Please feel free to continue challenging yourself throughout the month as it will vastly improve your skill and accuracy but please don’t expect more than one prize for it. :rofl:
This something that I am personally doing and has no bearing on official contest rules. So if you do your weekly challenge on an Imperial, you get your contest entry as well as win the Imperial Challenge. I have 22 prizes available. I’m hoping this is challenging enough that 22 will be enough. :sweat_smile:
I apologize to our friends outside the USA but I’m not sure I’ll be able to accommodate that shipping.

For the sake of making it easy on me to track… please add the text IMPERIAL CHALLENGE to your videos. I have been having much more difficulty keeping track of things so feel free to @ me in your submission as well to make sure I don’t miss you. Good luck and welcome to Fixed Axle February!!!


Would an imperial shaped BC fixie count?


I’m thinking that nothing challenges as hard as an Imperial, so only an Imperial will do. :weary:


Darn, we just went to Walmart yesterday!


Quick question on the series tutorials. The first 2 series say complete all the tricks for 2 entries. But the Dazzling Dave one says 1 per trick up to 5 entries. Is this correct?

Im about to dazzling dave my way to victory. Hes like flipping Misty in Pokemon Pocket :laughing:.


I’m slightly confused, but excited lol.