First metal Yoyo advice

Safety throw is life. Never pick up a yoyo and throw it as hard as you can, even if you were the one that put it there in the first place. Always check for knots first. :ok_hand:


I’ve just recently gotten to more techy stuff like the wrist mount and Houdini, but sill can’t land the kwij for the life of me lol

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You’ll never see me do combo without a Kwijibo element. lol. It’s a “bad” habit, but it so much fun. Just keep at it. It’s one of those fundamentals that you really have to repeat over and over until it starts to land. After that it’ll start to feel very natural. You’ll be able to Kwijibo blindfolded. For now, there’s not a whole lot of shortcuts or training steps you can take on that one. With that being said, it teaches you some very very valuable skills that will help you with tricks going forward.

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I have such a love/hate relationship with kwyjibo haha. Some days I can land three in a row. Some days I can’t land a single one.

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I can barely land the first element; I have yet to land the third element.


I just barely landed the first hop today consistently for the first time. Now just gotta figure out the second cross armed crazy hop thing


I think the wrist mount is an element of Kwij so your well on the way. I can manage magic drop (sometimes) but i think thats because i’m constantly practicing double or nothing.

I would love to know if the pro’s ever miss when they undertake these elements.


Sure, the pros miss sometimes (though I don’t know how often they miss a Kwijibo element specifically). Evan Nagao missed an element during his 2018 World’s final freestyle. He still won…