First Bi-metal? or 2 Budget Yoyos..?

Title pretty much says it all. What do you guys think?
EDIT* Budget meaning like a Shutter, Horizon etc. and Bi-Metal referring to a Pulsefire or Weekend.

Clarify bi-metal…

Do you mean a yoyo made of 2 metals, or a plastic yoyo with a metal ring. People have referred to both as bi-metals. If you are referring to the former (2 metals) there really is no comparison. That would be significantly more expensive than 2 budget yoyos in my opinion. So that really comes down to how much you are willing to spend. And frankly, you can get some fine playing budget yoyos for not a lot of money.

So it comes down to do you want a Ferrari or a Chev…
Both will get you from point a to point b.

There, fixed.

And my comment still applies. The price difference and what you are willing to spend is the driving factor. How much to spend is totally a personal decision.

It boils down to a difference in philosophy:

Quality One next level type of yoyo that’s going to have somewhat better stability and spin time


Quantity Two yoyos, neither of which are going to be better (performance wise) than the bi-metal, but will come pretty close and also give you more variety

Having recently purchased a 2016 bi-metal Superstar, my personal opinion is that if I had to decide, I would rather have just the superstar than two budget throws

I would definitely go wit a bi-metal. I went through a period where I bought 5-10 budget metals instead of a few really good metals (pre bi-metal era) and needless to say almost all of them are gone now and what’s left are ones that were gifts and the high end throws I managed to get after selling them all off.