I recently recessed my FHZ but now it have string slip a ton. Anyone know of a fix? It plays awesomely when it doesn’t slip but it slips every 3 or 4 throws.
This is the only thing that makes sense so far. Silicone no matter what won’t make your string slip. Only the area around the edge of the bearing. If you got into that a little by sanding or cutting then you will have to have a modder fix it. This fix isn’t all that easy considering you will have to cut the area bigger than it was then fill it with a certain element then recur the bearing recess and the sili recess. Or you could get a thinner spacer on that side.
…What about the string not rubbing the silicone? If the silicone is not at least flush with the surface of the yo-yo then it will slip sometimes for sure. Both possibilities are plausible and would have similar results.
Lets clear this up because I now understand what JM is saying. Is the string slipping and having sloppy binds or is it slipping behind the bearing like I though?
The only problem with spr’ing it is that the back of the spr and the spacers that normally go in that yoyo are different sizes. You will need to cut out that area, fill it with a 2 part epoxy and re-cut it to fit the spr. I do have spr’s and if you want I can do it. For a small fee of course.