Favorite response?

What response system do you prefer? CLYW snow tires? Monkey snot? One drop silicone? Flowable silicone?

General Yo hat pad, but they seem to be out of stock everywhere.

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Onedrop, CLYW and GenYo for me. I really dislike the CBC or whatever they are called. I need to get some ODrop flow groove slim pads for the palpitation. The CBC pads that came stock sit too high in the groove for my taste. Very snaggy and eats string quicker I believe.

Also IRPads in the Sputnik are similar. Those have worn in a little better, not as grabby and arent sitting as high as the CBCs. Still roughs up string quicker than my three favs.

I keep a handful of yoyos laced up with YYSLAB and Kitty normal and they all get frayed way quicker in anything that isn’t Onedrop, CLYW or GenYo. I’m left thinking it’s either the pads or the way the pad groove/seat is designed.

Any tips or thoughts are welcome.

General Yo Hat Pads