I just got some Fat Kitty String and some Candy Wires E type. To my surprise, they were the same thickness! Did I get a mislabled batch of Candy Wires, or is it really that thick? And if so, then are Candy Wires Fat REALLY thick?
From the descriptions, I expected the Candy Wires to be a bit stiffer, and the Fat Kitty to be softer, but the opposite is true. I’m going to be trying them for both 1a and 2a, and so far I really like how soft the Candy Wires is for 2a. A lot less pain on the finger.
Well, my E-types are a bit thinner than normal, so you probably got some mislabeled string. Check the packet, at the bottom the types of Candy Wires are listed, there should be a mark next to the type it is.
My Candy Wires bag is definitely labeled E-type. It is just slightly thicker than my black Slick 6.
The YYE 100% poly expert string is definitely thinner.
I’m happy with it just the same, but I don’t want to order a 100 pack and find it’s different
I had the opposite happen: ordered some “Fat” Candy Wires and they were thintacular. Couldn’t believe they were marketed as “fat”. Maybe I got a mislabeled bag, too!
Wasn’t overly impressed. It was OK stuff, but nothing I need to buy 100 of.