Fast vs. Floaty vs. Solid

not directed specifically at this post, but the angular mometums(momenta?) of a yoyo’s spinning and orbiting some pivot are parallel and wont affect each other like in a frisbee where it s orthogonal.

I like my yoyos floaty, fast, solid, but not fast, solid, floaty. You know what I mean?

One day I’m gonna make a yoyo called the Floatasaurus. It’ll be so floaty that I’ll have to put a warning label on the package noting that people under 150 pounds may be in danger of being carried to the moon. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, in all seriousness, I’ve always found that the yoyo goes faster when I move my hands faster, and that yo-yoing is way more fun than arguing about yo-yoing. YMMV …

*debating about physics. :wink:

I agree. I also still prefer chocolate ice-cream to vanilla. But that doesn’t mean I won’t eat me some vanilla sometimes. :wink:

I also find yo-yoing to be way more fun than arguing about whether or not folks are arguing about yo-yoing or some broader issue that yo-yoing is an instance of.  :slight_smile:

That said, I’ve notified the editors at Science and the American Journal of Physics about the important insights presented in this thread. However, I have to say that chocolate ice-cream is wicked dumb, like these sandals, New Coke, and your face, which isn’t floaty, fast, or solid. So there.  :stuck_out_tongue:

Really though, most of you have done a great job keeping this discussion civil – let’s try to keep things going that way. Thanks!

The American Journal of Physics didn’t even answer my letter. I don’t know who told them I know nothing of substance…

I’m sure diff yoyos feel diff to diff people, but if you.only try to group in one group throws that come to mind in each catagory are…

Fast: Amplitude, YYR Overdrive, 07 888

Floaty: Summit, Cascade, Avant Garde 2, Chief, Bonfire, Code 1, Wrath, HOT

Solid: Avalanche, Code 2, Deadly Spins Pride, MVP

Most fit into a mix of all 3 catagories…for example…

The Arctic Circle 1 is a little floaty but not as floaty as the chief, solid but not as solid as the avalanche. So it has both traits, its also fairly fast but not as fast as a Gnarwahl

The Arctic Circle 2 I would say is more on the floaty side than the AC1

But I don’t think you can say “this yoyo feels solid” bc people might have diff views and perspectives and opinions on the same yoyo;)

And to prove (as if we had any doubt) that it’s all subjective: Pride should not be on the “solid” list if you’re talking the 6061 version. 7075 I have not played.

random necrobump to those who think spin can affect orbit in this case: if this s true then its reverse should also happen, that is orbit also affects spin. If you swing a spinning yoyo around a pivot you will also change the speed of its spin (either increase or decrease depending on probably direction and other factors)

yet its again something that cant be tested by experiment because 1. its hard to keep the direction of spin and orbit exactly parallel 2. there is always air resistance and friction between the string and the yoyo, and the centrifugal force in orbit will also increase the friction within the bearing.

In case it wasn’t clear (and I don’t think it was), when I was referring to your model not being a good one because it doesn’t factor in the spin, I was not trying to claim that spin can affect orbit. Just that you were giving P1 and P3 different radius values relative to R2 (the axle), when that’s clearly impossible. I think we agreed that I was just misunderstanding your P1 and P3. :wink:

Spin will not affect the speed of the orbit.