Fallen 44?

Has anyone thrown any of the Fallen 44 unresponsive wooden yoyos? What are they like? They look pretty cool.

I have yer to hear about the Fallen 44.

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How does the 3AM play? I see no videos anywhere.

“Little or no vibe” - that’s fantastic, and 66 gms is a good weight, not too light.

How’s the spin time? Is it pretty stable?

I imagine they can be tuned after production, knowing where to remove extremely small portions of wood after completion . Reminds me of tuning a bike wheel, an art in itself.

If it plays well, $90 price tag is reasonable enough, each is a work of art.

I’m a bit skeptical about the ‘little to no vibe’ part on a wooden yoyo that is over 50mm in width. The higher walls would certainly help to keep the vibe down a little.

There seems to be a bit of a trade off when making wooden unresponsives. The wider you make them, the higher the walls need to be to keep them fairly smooth.

I’m managing now to make low wall unresponsives with a decent width that have low vibe.

I have

I’ve met Kevin as well. They’re pretty cool. Very different and kinda makes you think about how you’re playing differently. His woodworking is top notch and they’re surprisingly smooth.

That being said, its not a high performance piece. Wood plays very different than metal or plastic. You have to approach it differently. They’re heavier, too, but its overall very satisfying and different.