Fake Magicyoyos

If you run across anyone selling any brand of yo-yos in bulk on eBay for a low price it would wise to check with the manufacturer on if it is an authorized dealer of the product. I work with film and there are even warnings on fake Canon batteries. If there is a profit margin and an item can be duplicated it may have counterfeiters looking at the product.

Rizki your point is great. It is worth noting in other industries the quality of fakes can become really good and hard to detect. The fashion industry ran into this with fake Louis Vuitton merchandise on eBay. The courts ruled a 63 million dollar settlement in favor of LV which later ended up as a 2.5 million settlement (appeal court).

There is a list of authorized dealers on the MagicYoYo site. Logging out and heading out to film a project with a case of real MagicYoYos…

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I love them. The T5 Is the yoyo that made me buy more of their yoyos.

Also I think some people think MagicYoyo are bootleg yoyos because they’re an Asian company but they’re really a legit company. The retailers that are cloning MagicYoyo are probably on eBay or AliExpress. I’ve bought a few on eBay In the past and haven’t had any Issues with them so I could of lucked out. As Luke Renner said, there Is a official MagicYoyo store on Amazon which they have on their Facebook page. I recently purchased the K3 and K8 on their Amazon.

yoyos are yoyos, my friend :wink:

So is a gold color bearing definitely a fake?

I don’t have any of the gold plated bearing ones but on their official Amazon store they have ones that comes with them so they’re real.

Thanks, yeah I misread it. Seems like something that make be hard to notice unfortunately. It begs the question how much does it matter if you can’t tell the difference? Not that is the case, but yeah I hve played some guitar knockoffs that play better than the real thing haha

I suppose. But it bothers me a lot that they copy other designs so blatantly. I know different manufacturer’s yoyos will always bear similarities with one another, but Magicyoyo seem shameless in doing this. I really like the N9, but it is so close to the design of the Turning Point Leviathan, it appears to be a direct ripoff.

:smiley: I know, right? Why not fake something else, like CLYWs or Yoyorecreations?

I only have the N12, but the quality of it is absolutely up there with every other single yoyo I own (yoyofactory, duncan, clyw, yoyofficer) my n12 is the smoothest yoyo I’ve ever owned.

I am also a huge fan of Magic Yoyos. I have an N12 Shark in my bag right now. Like all manufacturers some product is great and some average. I have a MYY silencer which looks amazing but feels a bit slow to me. But it’s not a bad yoyo, just not my style. The Shark, on the other hand is my 2nd favorite yoyo after my YYF Too H.O.T.

It’s a news for me.

MYY make some of the best yoyo in terms of price to performance ratio IMO.

i find that insanely interesting. magicyoyos are cheap enough already. Id probably be thinking that people would rip off clyw’s and c3’s


The original post in this thread is nearly three years old. The information contained in it may not be accurate today.


I’m just as surprised. Making fakes of $10 yo-yos…

@MkQuarky Yeah MYY and YYR seem like the only ones affected.

@vegabomb Nope, I just checked they are still around.

@Zorro , Not even sure if this user is still active but I don’t care, YYR has been affected very badly by knockoffs, and CLYW only sells their stuff in yoyo circles (drops, BSTs, and stuff like that.

And one last thing that I wanted to say, Beboo is the company that knocks off magicyoyo, I think they are the only ones as well.

I haven’t even heard of fake Draupnirs in a long long time but I know they existed, maybe 4 years ago?

They are still on Taobao, and I saw some with suspiscious engravings on some shopping websites from china but I can’t read chinese so I don’t know who is selling them.