Failure is Unknown - Collector Totals

Greetings All,
It’s been a long while since I have been on here… I guess you can say that life got in the way. Nevertheless, I have still be throwing and buying (only not as much as before), especially the Unknown Editions designed by our good friend @BryanF and brought to life by his growing list of UNcollaborators that have taken part of this (hopefully) never ending project.

With the release of the Unknown X Ikimono Tomo, I coincidentally found some spare time to re-organize and hopefully catalog my growing collection of UNKNOWNS. Hopefully @AaronW can still use my data for the yoyo archive.

Below is a list of MAKE and MODEL and Year Released. I have also included the Totals for each throw that I have been able to research. I am asking for your help to get my list in order. If you see a throw I have missed, have a release date wrong, or you happen to have productions numbers, please let me know!!!

Thanks again for everything and for being an amazing community!


5-23 General Yo Prophecy 10 total
11-14 Duncan Bassacuda 50 total

4-23 Japan Tech FiReal ?
7-22 Onedrop Kuntosh 20 total

1-25 Yoyofreaks Yourmom 10 total
5-10 Duncan Origami 60 total each color
5-17 Yoyofreaks Hashtag 10 total
6-3 CoroCo Tako ?
7-31 Topyo Turbine ?
8-8 Yoyofreaks Pound 10 total

1-3 CoreCo X SF BFF 35 total
3-2 Yoyofreaks Bi-mom 10 total
4-29 SF Cadence 50 total
6-23 Yoyofreaks SF 10 total
9-12 A-Rt Knob 40 total
10-27 CoreCo Diesis ?

2-23 Japan Tech Linkx ?
3-5 SF Statement 35 total
3-9 Unparalled Ignition 30 total
5-16 SF Cadence CS 50 total
6-21 Japan Tech Shaqshine ?
7-3 Duncan Grasshopper 35 total
7-12 Yoyofreaks Freak 10 total
7-21 SF Sstatment 35 total
8-16 SF PLSTC 150 total
9-5 CLYW Pickaxe 50 total
9-12 Timber Enknown 30 1st release / 35 2nd
9-30 PDX Yo Batsquatch 20 total
11-9 Iyoyo Barbarian 50+
11-21 Anomaly Euphonium 15 total
12-11 CLYW Peak 2 25 total
12-30 Yoyofriends Hummingbird 30 total
12-?? CoreCo Mothra ?

6-22 2sick Crusade 25 total
9-15 OST Confluence 25 total
9-21 Spiral Kappa 25 1st run
9-28 Hspin Pyro 100 total
10-3 C3yoyodesign Galaxy Diver 30 total
10-7 Yoyofactory 720 ???
10-9 Duncan AL Bionic - 50
11-19 Duncan AL Black - 50
12-14 Yoyo Palace Answer 30 total

1-18 Yo-yo Palace Code ?
1-25 Reykjavik Frejya ?
2-7 RSO Bowl 37 total
3-25 CLYW Akita 50 total
4-8 Yo-yo Palace Code Silver ?
4-16 Duncan FH1Black ?
4-16 Duncan FH1 Bionic ?
6-3 Japan Tech Gadget ?
9-17 Freshly Dirty 44 Mod 20 total
10-1 Duncan FH1 Titanium ?
10-8 Thesis DaCapo ?
10-17 Jake Bullock Slam Dunk ?
10-22 Zipline BMC 35 total
10-22 Zipline IST 30 total
11-19 RSO The End 36 total
12-2 Throwing Sideways ?

2-1 Far and Few Between Inception ?
3-22 Duncan FH1 (plastic) ?
4-8 Duncan Butterfly AL ?
6-21 Japan Tech Trueno ?
8-19 MK1 RBC 35 total

4-6 CLYW Pickaxe V2 50 total
5-11 Japan Tech Kagerou ?
5-16 Topyo Colossus VI ?
7-6 CLYW UnWish ?
10- 18 W1LD ?
11-03 SF BD (all variants) ?
12-10 Far and Few Between Dreamer 35 Total
12-26 CLYW Otter ?

2-16 MK1 Yoyo Unicorn 40 total
4-20 Mile High Yoyo UnGnome 60 total
9-6 Ikimono Tomo 35 total


We need SF BD in 4 versions here :slight_smile: It’s from 2023 if I remember correctly (I can check tomorrow).
I also think FH Mini is missing.

There were 50 pieces of Pickaxe 2 but also to be confirmed.


Yeah, I just realize that I missed SF BD. Regardless of graphics, I think it only counts as one design with Multiple variations

give me your bikes.


Ha…… those too have been sitting… only the specialized is getting some use right now.




I’m not seeing the MK1 x Spinworthy RBC on that list


Few and Far Between Dreamer?


2022 - Mk1 x UN RBC - 35 pcs
2024 - Mk1 x UN Unicorn - 40 pcs

2024 - Mk1 x UN ??? - ??? pcs


Let’s go!

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I’ve just noticed Inception is missing as well!

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This is GREAT stuff!

I’m Rob. I’ve taken over the Archive from @AaronW, but he pointed out this thread to me.

I’ll be getting this up on the site soon, and will be linking all the pieces as I get more info into the Archive.

You’re awesome for putting this together!


Save me one of those ??? :wink:


Another newer one; ikimonoyoyo Tomo unknown


Thank you for this Alonzo. Love having the metrics.

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Two Duncans missing now. Butterfly Plastic and Freehand Mini.

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I’ll get the list on the Archive today!

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I screwed the pooch on the release. Missed out when the MK1 site crashed and then never bother to check on Yoyo Expert and Yoyo Sam for release info. If anybody has one, please let me know.