Facts about forum members.

Tell a fact about the member who made post above you. It could be yoyo related or anything. After 2 or 3 facts about you can tell whether that it right or not otherwise it’ll be to repetitive members.

For example the next person who will post will tell a guessed fact about then I’ll tell about him then any body can participate when I have 2 to 3 gueses about me I’ll quote and tell whether it’s true or not.

If you have other ideas to make this game work feel free to suggest.

you are a lefty thrower

You love you AC2?

you live on the same planet as Gentry Stein, Paul Kerbal, and Rei Iwakura. :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Your favorite yoyo company is YYF

Your username starts with a Z.

You smashed your popstar!

you own 2 ultra rare clyw peak

You are looking for a CLYW peak.

You love general yo hatrick yo be specific.

you are made up of stuff :o :o :o

you like pokemon

You live in a place where these spinning toys we play with are referred to as “Return Tops” since “YoYo” is a registered trademark of Papa’s Toys.

You have a moustache.

You have a beat up shutter
You also like yyf

your favorite company is king yo star

We clearly don’t know much about each other if the deepest info we know is posted right before our very eyes.

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You bought a Yomega Lancer II. Was that good enough as something not being readily in front of me?

You love 3a lol that obvio.
Ummmmmmm you are starting college?

I’m impressed, that’s how this thread should go!

Parvar, you sold a shutter last year, or at least had one on your BST.