Ever had anyone say the wrong yoyo trick?

oh thanks i would never be able to do that :smiley: but i wouldn’t say that its impossible …anything is possible if it popsicle

One day i was helping out at a dance recital (my parents made me :-[ ugh) and there was a 10 minute intermission, the teacher was like " go entertain them for 10 minutes so they dont go nuts " and i was like OK!!! and i got my yoyo and went down into a the basment packed full of 4-10 year olds and i was like " ok everybody! im gonna yoyo! WATCH ME!!! " and so i began doing some more complex tricks like spirit bomb, kwijibo and stuff like that and they didnt make much noise so i was like “…” then im like
" heres rock the baby " and they all went nuts…then i did dizzy baby and walk the dog and they were practically bouncing off the walls, so i did those last 3 tricks for like 5 minutes straight…im sick of everybody wanting to see walk the dog so badly, i can do things SO much better than that but thats all people wanna see! WHY?! lol

I guess people wants to see those tricks because they are familiar with them. I really get annoyed by people asking that. You spend a lot of time learning this wicked complicated trick, and people just want to see walk the dog.

Wow. I love how I knew that off of the top of my head ;D I love that show!

So do I!!!

Ya,I was doing superman and someone asked me if I could do walk the dog yet,its like, :o are you really asking me this :o

I love the show too. and It is not Gertrude it is Gretchen, and the episode is Gretchen and the secret of Yo. Good show…

lol people have asked me to do cats cradel and cradle the baby :P. also half the poepl who see me yoyo ask me if i can walk the dog :O. they think im pro if i do effeil tower but then i do split the atom or a bunch of brain twisters people dont even care ;(

“Can you do rock the cradle!?”

“Yeah.” rocks the baby

“WHOOOAAA do you do competitions?!”


I dont mind… I kind of like to mix it up some… If im over concrete Im not going to walk my DM so if its like a younger kid Im like I cant walk the dog, but I can make the monkey run up my arm, Then just throw a forward pass and pop it up into a grind that goes up my arm. And if its some one older I just say that I dont want to jack up my rims on the ground and they usualy settle for grinds and other tricks.

3 pages :D. So today I was doing McBride roller coaster and this guy walked up to me (this is in the mall and people were watching) and he’s like do the kwijibo. I was like :o. The first person to know a kool yoyo tricks name! Unfortunately I dont know how to do it so he was like “oh, ok.” The people were like what the heck are you talking about? Then I did the matrix, everyone was like “…”, so I thought what would happen if I do a simple elavator and everyone went krazy like a slave just one the lottery.
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