Entering a 1A Ladder Division as an uber n00b

Today’s practice went a lot better, and I even gave hook a go, although I only managed to land around 5 today (that is like 5 out of 5,000 tries). But did manage to get 1 on camera just about.

D-4 let’s do this bois!!! (@Glenacius_K hehe just kidding)

  • Also learnt that there is one more element on Gerbil that I wasn’t practicing, a reverse somersault after coming out of the lindy loop. So need to practice more on the gerbil.
  • Pop n Fresh I think I am getting there.
  • Boingy Boing needs a bit more practice on how to get the momentum started
  • Today was not a Kwyjibo day :sweat_smile: haha

Today was overall a better day, so I thought I might even share a photo with my coach @twitch77 on how I normally relax after a practice session, a bit of YYE forum, bit of watching videos of whatever, and a nice glass of homemade espresso martini on my bar table (or anything really that has alcohol in it haha).