Eli Hop

I have very similar problems, sometimes exactly the same. It’s because I’m not landing cleanly and the string is hitting the sides and slowing the yoyo down and knocking it into a tilt.

A hint:
Curl your index finger of your non-throw hand a little just to form enough of a hook to hold the string and prevent it from coming off your hand.
Keep tension on the string. This is that feel part people are telling you about.
Turn your body a bit so you’re looking a bit more DOWN the string. If you throw right handed, turn to the left.
Keep those hands aligned. This is actually one of my biggest problems.
Find a good height to keep your hands. For some people it’s lower, for others it’s higher. I find I am keeping my hands above my elbows(at rest)

Don’t quit. I did 10 in a row last night. Normally, 3 is good for me. The past couple of days, I’ve been missing with new yoyos and suddenly this trick clicked.

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when you can’t perform something, don’t blame the equipment, first find out what YOU can do better to improve your skills

first would be to listen to the advice that’s been given to you

in my opinion, this is spot on, let me develop

yoyos gain their stability from the speed at which they spin. the stronger you throw, the more stable your yoyo will be.

also, in order to preserve spin speed and improve spin times, you also have to avoid ingame friction between the string and the yoyo body (especially the response), and for that, you need to have a straight and perfectly aligned game.

Throwing “power” and perfect alignment are gained through experience, the more you’ll play, the better you’ll throw and the more your string, bearing and hands will be aligned.

You absolutely need these two elements to be at their best if you want to chain eli hops like the high level players.

The only way to master this is to be patient and not grind it, just keep playing, learning, making progress, your throwing technique will improve, your alignment will improve, and your ability to do eli hops will improve, it’s the kind of trick, the better you play, the better it’ll look, but you will need a certain amount of spin speed and a perfect hands/bearing/string alignment to not have the problems you’re having anymore.

every player goes through this, to truly master a trick, you need patience.

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hadoq, 1st of all to get things clear i never blame the equipment or anything , i just said MAYBE and is true that having a wider gap do help out alot .
2nd , i appreciate you on your advice , yes your absolutely right , is all about the skill that a yoyoer must have when they performing tricks and what you said is all correct . Patience and practice makes perfect . But i have a opinion on my own and i pretty much follow this theroy that 75% rely on skill , 22% depend on the yoyo and the last 3% is all about the strings

^ I’ll agree with this to a point. Obviously we can can practice more until we’re blue in the face but it comes down to finding a way that works for you. I had the exact same problem when I was learning this trick.

What worked for me?

Small hops, actually getting my head near my TH to watch string placement, and simply watching what the yoyo’s doing to correct it on the fly. Find something that works for you. I’ve been able to hop my Loop 700 so it doesn’t come down to gap size :wink: (IMO; we’ve all got opinions I know. :P)

yeah , but is hard to do it on small gap if you haven’t familiar with the up and dơn motion of the tricks . i still can’t do it every time most of the time i did 5 out of 10 and that result please me very much ^^

Nice, well on your way then :smiley:

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That’s not a bad effort =)


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if you master the trick, it means that you can play it on ANYTHING

just tell ed haponik about it’s 22% equipment, he’s doing modern tricks on 70 years old wooden, fixed axle throws

the equipment won’t “make or break” a trick

what the equipment does is make it easier for you to learn or land a given trick, but for yourself, as a player, I don’t think you should ever truly believe that the equipment would allow or prevent you to do anything, if you really want to get better, you need to think about refining your skill, which means that you first have to look at yourself and objectively try to evaluate your skill (going to meetings is one good way to do that, so is competing).

I see many players, beginners, grinding the YYE trick list as fast as possible, just so after a couple month, they can claim they’re experienced, “good”, “advanced” etc… that’s just ego-feeding, but it won’t make you get objectively better.

Myself, it’ll soon be 2 years that I’ve been playing, I consider myself an “intermediate” player, because the kind of tricks that I can say I’ve mastered are the kind you’ll find in the “intermediate” list of tricks (but most of the time, I just do my own stuff, but it’s around that level of difficulty).

I mastered those, which means I can do them anytime, anywhere, on any given throw.

Of course I can do much harder tricks, but I did not yet master them to that point. That makes me an intermediate level player. And there’s nothing wrong with that, there’s nothing wrong with admitting that you’re not that good of a player, because only then you can truly work on getting better.

It’s my original point with the Eli Hops, give it time, keep playing, learning other things, eventually you will develop enough skill to just do eli hops naturally and easily. Just accept the fact that no, you won’t master them just yet, there are other things to do with a yoyo that are of your level and that will make you have more fun and also allow you to improve your skill.

Hadoq , thank you for your saying because is it the main reason why i got into yoyoing .Because this is a very challenging hobby that require you to have a sharp eye and high dexterity in oder to play it .

Firstly , i agreed with you that if i can master it i can play it on anythings.
Secondly , i disagreed with you because not all people are the same , there are other people , people like me that trying to grind the YYE list as fast as possible . Why ? Because we want to fully understand the concept , the motion , the movement of the tricks first , picture it in our head , break it down into pieces and put them back piece by piece and finally int o a whole tricks at slom-mo speed and after we finally understand the tricks then we can practice .

I hope i didn’t offence you on anything but more like a “Debating” :slight_smile:

no offense taken. I’m one of those who didn’t really get very high on that list, I understand why you do it, but to me it’s just that I try to go to as much meetings as I can, meet other players and this is where I tend to learn my elements, that and when I watch videos.

another thing that I use a lot is to film myself, so I can identify what looks good, and what has to be improved and how to improve it.

Well , each people had diffrence way to learn . :wink:

the brain works basically the same way for everyone

the learning process is a balance between being in and out of your comfort zone with more or less long breaks in between (the brain needs breaks in order to process information, try not playing at all for a week then go back to it, you’ll be surprised)

the advice I’m giving comes from learning experiences in many different fields, some that I’ve been doing my whole life such as music, photography, or filming. They all, like yoyoing, present a mix of creativity and technique in various ways. it is by doing all of these that I noticed that even tho they’re different activities, the learning process can be transposed from one to another.

the brain works in 2 modes, open mode and closed mode. Open mode is for creativity, it’s when you do things without purpose such as playing. it’s required to get new ideas.
The closed mode is the mode you’re in when you’re at work for example, focused on the task ahead. This is useful to get the technique down, go for your objectives and do the grind.

We’re animals, we can be trained

when you pop up the yoyo bring your hands closer together and dont move the string. thats how i learned

Thanks, i’m still pract iicing it days by days and gettin better at it, and i also found out why havin trouble with it and fixed it ^^ , now 5 times a row , straight throw without having the yoyo tilting :smiley: