
How do you like them,

Mods, I was actually serious about that last post that got deleted, just curious how people like eggs.
Lay off.


For me, scrambled with spam. Sooo good.

hard boiled,
or a cheese omelet.

scrambled :smiley:

Over easy with hot sauce and bacon.

Scrambled with cottage cheese also like em boiled.

Oooooooo yeah, sounds good!

I never would’ve guessed. :wink:


I like them scrambled. I never thought of putting spam in them, that sounds good.

I like a good omlet. :smiley:

Sunny side up + ketchup.

Scrambled with cheese and Ketchup/hot sauce(mild)

Scrambled w bacon bits and hot sauce.

Scrambled eggs with butter, cheese, and sliced up bacon. This mix also makes a great sandwich.

Raw in a blender with nails

Raw? I like em rotten.

Scrambled, little bit of cheese and salsa.


with the shell

just bite it like it’s a fruit or something

I prefer my chicken abortions scrambled.

Normally, I prefer my eggs matured and then turned into fried chicken.

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