Dv888 or yuuksta

I can’t decide between a dv888 or yuuksta

If you like undersized yoyos, you will like both of these. They’re about the same in specs with the Dv888 being a little bit bigger and heavier but not by much. The Yuuksta plays a lot faster than the Dv888 though. I personally prefer the Yuuksta, but it’s all preferance. I hope this helped

The yuuksta is a higher quality yoyo.


I prefer the Yuuksta but that’s because I don’t much like the DV888. A lot of people that I throw with like the DV888 and hate the Yuuksta.

Interestingly the G-Funk seemed reasonably well liked by everyone who tried it at our last meet.

I also had this problem but I decided on a di base. But to answer your question I would say a dv888.

I personally like the Yuuksta better than the Dv888.

I was in the same boat as you, I got the Yuuksta and did not regret it at all. It is an all-around better player than the dv888 in my opinion. You won’t be disappointed if you get it.