Duncan Yo-Yo For A Beginner

For some reason I’d like to add a Duncan Yo-Yo to my collection. Is there a really good responsive and unresponsive Yo-Yo that people would recommend for beginners costing under $75?


for $75 you can get an awesome Grasshopper GTX for unresponsive. for responsive Duncan has a few options, there is the Butterfly XT, which i recommend, the Imperial, and the normal Butterfly.

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For a beginner, the Butterfly XT (the newest version) is good. Super cheap (mine was less than $5 at Target) and performs well for the price. I can’t speak to Duncan unresponsives, though.

For reference, you’ll want the one with the sidecaps that look as they do in the YYE options that indicate NEW: https://shop.yoyoexpert.com/products/duncan-butterfly-xt-yoyo?_pos=1&_sid=80539d2ea&_ss=r&variant=30241363787850

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