Duncan Peakhand . Freshly Dirty Mod 44 . MK1 Dynames

OD Gauntlet is sold.
Updated prices.
End 2 and Freehand AL added.

PM on End and FH AL


Added Deep State.


PM’ed about cerakote Deep State

Added Carbine, Mini Covey and Snack. :yo-yo:
Snack is sold.

Added Kanto, 50/50, Metal Max Tornado, Reactor, Skyline, and Quiz.

Quiz is sold.
Metal Max Tornado is sold

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Sent you a message about the 5050

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Updated 5/13.
YYF Skyline is sold.
Updated prices.
Added some new stuff

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Kanto is sold.
Added more stuff

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Forgot about Lowkey. That woodland is cool!


It’s very cool!
Added Stunt Pilot, DD Hybrid, ProYo Ace, Serenade, O-Ting and more.
Added CLYW Beater and DD Monarch :butterfly:.


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PMed RE Serenade


Thesis Serenade, Duncan Mayhem, and Lowkey Throws Woodland are sold :v:

Price drops :arrow_down:

Janus is sold. El Mijo added.

El Mijo is sold.

1 Like

Hahah dang that mijo sold quick! I had a feeling it would lol


It sold super fast! :racing_car:

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O-Ting is sold. Updated.
Monarch is sold.
Added Panorama, Diorama, Weekender, Free Solo.

1 Like

I’ll take that Weekender off your hands

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Weekender is sold.
Little League is sold
Added Fat Tire, Goji, Disk SEs, + price drops.
ProYo Ace, Static Co. Sudo, YYJ Classic and OD Disk SEs are sold. Added AfterLife.
AfterLife is sold.
Added OD Reboot
Reboot is sold. Price drops.
Fat Tire is sold.
Goji is sold.

Added Cascade, 444, and 888.11 :yo-yo:

888.11 sold.
Cascade sold.
Price drops.

Added Metal Yeti, Janus, Panorama w/ brass SE.

TK No-Jive and Custom Reactor are sold.

Metal Yeti is sold.
Janus is sold.
444 is sold


Message sent

Bet it was for the 5050