Yo have you reached out to get @Captrogers info or sent that Yoyo? It’s been past time now. Thanks just let me know what’s going on.
Oh shoot i for got abouy that ill ship it out on monday
Is it my turn already. Cool
Yo did you send out the Yoyo?
Okay don’t forget
Hey did you drop that off yesterday? What is the tracking number?
This arrived late the week before last
It’s a neat YoYo lighter feeling than I expected
I think it’s a two week pif so I’ll move this along at the end of this week if I’m right.
I think it’s time. @Slestak75 seems next
Oooooo. So excited to get this at the beginning of July.
@GTDropKnot @Ironical_Monocle1 @rkalajian
Likely won’t get this in time to play it before 1July and I plan to participate. Is anyone not participating who could take it first? If not would there be any objections to putting it on hold until after July?
Why you think
I’m trying to ditch it. Less temptation lol
I’m cool with putting it on hold…
lol of yall are doing the like one yo July?
I’m on the fence… while I appreciate the idea, variety is the spice of life…
Wow no way a haymaker x pay it forward man thats dumcans finest throw u guys kick ■■■■■■■■ i own one u guys will love this its to me the best looking and smoothest throw i own guys
u definitely need to own one plus on sale now
Its a very smoooth yoyo and powerful one of my favs from duncan spins forever definitely thr best
Yo did you send this out ? Where is this Yoyo now lol
Oh yes. I remembered this but for some reason I forgot I was next.
Shoot it’s in the box under my desk I thought I tossed this in the mail. I’ll drop it off