I started recently, got down some tricks, including plastic whip, g-flop (kinda…) trapeze brother, green triangle, tried landing suicides, caught them a few from a 100 times, but anyways…
Double or nothing is the trick that I find hard getting consistently, and actually, at all. I kinda get the whole motion well, but it seems there is some trick to it, cuz I can’t really space out the strings from each other enough, for the yoyo to be free to land only on the first one.
Any tips, photos or even videos, especially in first person would be great, I want to observe where the string goes in relation to the knuckles so I can visualise it myself and figure it out, maybe I’m missing an extra move or something… btw, what were your first 10 serious tricks (not walk the dog or something like that)
If space is an issue, learn the trick first by having the first wrap go around your wrist and then hit the string over your middle finger. That should help. Then, after you’ve gotten that down, try inching the string closer and closer. It just takes practice, just like anything else.
something that I do is, when you put out your finger to do the first loop or what ever you want to call it, I also use my thumb to pull the string toward my hand and then on the last loop I get the string right between my first knuckle and my finger nail.
The first revolution is going on the base (first row on index finger bone) of your non-throwhand index finger, when the second one goes on the middle (second row on index finger bone).
welp, tx to all. I practiced a bit last night, 5 am in the morning and kinda figured out myself, but one thing you’re all right about is, after you know what you should do the only thing left is a lot of practice, so yea
This was literally the hardest trick for me years ago. Getting the yoyo to only land on the front string was celebration worthy with my friends ;D Good times.
I have a secret when it comes to landing double or nothing. and NOT to brag or anything, but I would say I have become quite an expert on Double or Nothing. If you would like I can make a IG video of me doing a Double or Nothing POV so you can see what I do. I’ll post a link here in a minute. If you use this technique I can guarantee you will land Double or Nothing like a Pro.
This is the technique I use to land my Double or nothing. Just hold the string back with your thumb until you land it. I’ll still do a POV to see if that helps you out.
Here is a slow mo video of me doing a double or nothing. As logickrazed said, try holding the string back, making it where there is only one string to land on.
I hope this helps you out. Keep practicing and give this method a try. Let me know if I was able to help. I always try my best helping others learn a new trick if I know how to do it. https://instagram.com/p/7MDcrkwxNq/?taken-by=colbyandcarly
What a nice community, I’ll try all the stuff I read from you, but I already started landing it, it was a matter of getting the string as close to me for the first 2 revolutions, then the last string wrap gets me into a clear landing nice video, I’ll take notes, and thank you all for the useful information and advice
P.S. next hustle for me = suicide, which I kinda land, but rly bad xD
h2o has some awesome double or nothing skills, he is the master of them i love what he does with them and i have learned a couple double of nothing tricks from some of his videos
Thanks everyone, I’ve already got through the triple or nothing to the quadruple or nothing, which just by itself, seems a bit of an overkill, unless in a trick combo