Please refer to my new BST.
Thank you.
Please refer to my new BST.
Thank you.
I’ll get the galactic goose
when you get a ps3 add me
PSN: aznyoyoguy
im thinking about the gg but i heard from my friend that its a good yo but when it catches on the gab it stinks for the price i would really wan to get it but im not a very good thrower and would probablly catchet on that thing alot
i hope you sell it though
Pacificmist, that is pretty much spot on. I don’t know why they designed it that way. It was super nice feeling, really smooth and all that. It just would get caught on the gaps and your throw was done for. It’s a shame, it could have been a legendary yo. SPYY and CLYW are both top companies.
Aznyoyoguy, adding you in a few minutes.
Anyway, bump.
Interested in the peak. PM me price?
Phenomizm, ProtoStar, and 2 Raiders for your Blue w/Gold Splash Gnarwhal?
how much for the addiction?
i’ll give you an 888x, an enemy, or a DNA for any of the clyw
I’ve got a genesis and a lunatic forr the gnarwal lol.
Would you trade one of your SPYY Addictions for a YYF Pink Acid Wash SuperStar?
Is the obsidian 54 still for sale?