Donations already going to good use!!

I wanted to write a little something about the donations for the NH yoyo club. First I wanted thank all that donated these yoyos and strings will go to good use I assure you. Today I held a little class at a local boys group home, about 6 boys participated in it. They are at various levels from never touched a yoyo to already can do plastic whip. With the donated yoyos I was able to have unresponsive and responsive throws. They did great and were able to focus on yoyoing for about two hours. One boy who had never thrown before was able to learn Eiffel tower. He was kinda down on himself at first saying I can’t do that but with some good coaching he got it down first with a dead yoyo then with it spinning. He was so excited he had to call his Nana so that she could talk with me. Nana was excited for him as well and thank me for introducing a positive activity for him. Just wanted to share how much good your donations are already doing. Thanks to all who donated and keep spreading yoyoing in your own way where ever you may be.

That sounds really rewarding. I’m glad everything went well!

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awesome :smiley:

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This is a great story. It is the kind of good work he is doing working with kids who have special needs, difficult to teach, but the end result is very rewarding for everyone involved. I know your years of experience working with kids along with incorporating the yo-yo skills will continue to be inspirational to others. I thought it was great that the kid was so excited he put a call in to Nana to tell her what he did. Great choice with the picture trick too :wink: I’m sure it made things more interesting for him, and not too intimidating at first. I will update the donation thread about the prizes tomorrow night, as we will be wrapping up the donations by next Wednesday.

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Sounds like you had a blast!

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We need a like button. liked

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