Dog Bite

At Dog Bite I won 50$ yye gift card there in a contest yesterday

What’s Dog Bite? I know it’s a beginner trick, but I don’t think that’s what you’re talking about.

Sound cool. Did you do the Bite The Dog trick ? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: ;D

I’m pretty sure he is talking about a contest.

We also posted at the same time :o.

To me it sounded like a drawing or giveaway, not a yoyo contest.

Just did a Google search and found out that Dog Bite is the name of a yoyo club in Massachusetts, which is where the OP is from. I guess they had a giveaway there.

Dogbite is a club run by A2Z Science and Learning Store out of Northampton MA. It has been in existance for years and is a great time… The best come out and throw down. And yes the yoyoexpert himself is there too… If your ever in the area it is the 2nd Friday of the month from September to June…

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It’s a really cool club! I’ve been but not too often because of the drive. The North East is the place to be between Dog bite and NH yoyo club we have some crazy sweet clubs.

Only dog bite I’m familiar with (besides the real thing) is the classic (refuse to call it beginner) trick where a modified/looper latches onto your pants or shirt, either for humor or by accident (which I discovered it by accident back then).

Yeah, in this case the club was probably named after the classic trick. I was there the other night when he won the gift certificate. Congratulations, it was a lot of fun too!!

I say NH yoyo club field trip feb. 8 :slight_smile:

Dog Bite is a yoyo club in western MA. There was a yoyo freestyle competition there and if you ever want to go it’s the 2nd friday of every month.

Yeah, I’m gonna PM Adam about that.

Had to miss it this month…and was really bummed out. It’s already on the family calender for February. NH raid on MA sounds good to me. It’s crazy to drive 4/5 hours for two hours of throwing…but, well…think of it as an adventure. :smiley:


Haha. We were looking for you too. :wink:

In the shadow of a “weather event” please update this thread if we are still on for tomorrow? I don’t wanna get my hopes up…

Friday ,February 8th DOG BIIIIIITTTTEEEE !!! Will not be held due to our impending blizzard. Unless you have a snowmobile and a shovel to dig your Yo out of Two plus feet of snow !!! Rally around the fire !! With a pocket full of throws!! And when we lose power just know we are the few who still get to throw.Good Luck and Stay safe. Sorry Coffelt but the whole state is closing down. But Yoers are a Diehard bunch that is for sure lol . Peace J