Find An Upcoming Yo-Yo Contest

All the information is here:


So this replaced the other sticky?

I like this one better anyway :stuck_out_tongue:


Whens the next comp. in or near MA? (besides Dog-Bite)

Sweet there is a contest in my area coming up soon!!! I might go to it. And its on national yoyo day, June 6th. Sweet, Thanks for this post André. Later.

Keep it spinning™

thanks andre

what about poor little boise? is their going to be any comps here? like EVER!

they need to update this all the contests are from 2009

if there is a compitition or someone that can help me kick off my yoyo and teach me some tricks im in nh, send me a message if you think you got information or can help im still kinda new ive been yoyoing for about 3 months now and im in the intermediate section tricks, but i just cant get past a few tricks and i know its not my yoyo, so if you got any advice im here, ohh n im 15, just sayin.

??? when is the next NC competition?

PNWR is in Washington yay ;D im soooooo gonna be there

So I’m trying to figure out the actual date of the 2011 BAC, a few friends and I are extremely interested in making the trip up to San Francisco to check it out. If anyone could shed some light on the situation it would be a great help! ;D

ok guys lets stop this thing has been dead for a while

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