Does titanium anodize fade over time?

If it does, does the anodize tend to last longer than aluminum anodize or not?

I’m debating whether getting anodized titanium is worth it, or just stick with raw, since Ti will likely last much longer than aluminum yoyos. At least if it does fade, I’d rather get the colors that tend to age better (look good even faded).

Also if anyone have faded Ti, please show us how it looks.


Seconding all of his questions lol

It doesn’t fade with time. Once colored the color will remain the way it is unless you scratch/Polish it.

Titanium ano is very different from alu ano. No dye is used but the very top layer of the titanium is oxidized which is what gives the colors.

Maybe after many decades it might fade. But I’ve used titanium anodized knife handles and they are very stable and do not change color over time from what i can see.


2015 Octavia vs 2021 Acadia.

No fading that I can see.


Agreeing with @LX_Emergency

I’ve anodized a few knife handles and they remain nicely colored until you start scratching them. I even saw my old 0450 running around with my purple and sky blue handles, still going strong.

I had a pink Shaqshine Bros for a while. The inner cup stayed really bright and saturated pink, while the profile slowly dulled in color and faded to a more muted brownish pink.

I read somewhere that the oils from your hands will coat the surface of the ti, and the coloring of titanium is based on light refracting off it. So the oils from your hands are really just adding an extra layer for the light to pass through. I think I saw people saying that a damp towel wiping down the surface to remove the oils would’ve gotten the color back, but I didn’t care enough to ever try.

My memory might be a bit hazy though, it’s been around a year since sold that yoyo.

I don’t have any better photos of it, sorry. But you can see a really saturated pink in the cup, nowhere on the profile (the part that I actually touched during play) would ever be that bright/pink, the profile was entirely dull and had a brownish hue.

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That might be accurate. A quick pass with an alcohol rag or cloth would work even better probably.