Does anyone want to sell their El Mijo?

Been wanting this yoyo for a while now. I’ve recently been really into the slim responsive throws. Just went to look for one and noticed they’re sold out everywhere online.

FWIW, in the Fixed Axle February - Week 4 video, Nate says one of the draw prizes is an unreleased El Mijo which he’s waiting for Jorge (of ZGRT) to spill the beans on, which implies to me that there is another run of El Mijo imminently incoming.

Said video is here. Check around the 1:35 mark:


I just got one this month, but I had to pay a pretty penny to get it from Europe…

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I noticed that when I watched it. I’m definitely going to be keeping a close eye on that so I don’t miss it this time around. I wish I just pulled the trigger on one like a year ago when they were easier to come by.

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