Does anyone use Fountain Pens?

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I accidentally spilled alcohol on my lab book and the first page was ruined, I’ve been using Mont Blanc’s blue ink. Interesting enough the subsequent pages that got soaked survived accept for the pages I wrote in ballpoint which were annihilated. I knew not to expect fountain pen ink to survive water, but was surprised that most pages survived being soaked in alcohol where as the pages I wrote with ballpoint did not.

You could try Noodler’s Black, or if you’re using a more absorbent paper, Heart of Darkness (only comes in 4.5oz dropper bottle but comes with a free fountain pen) as it won’t feather even on newspaper and is also a black ink. Neither will be bothered by water, alcohol, ammonia, or bleach. If you want to stick with blue you could try Bad Blue Heron which is also a Noodler’s bulletproof ink like the above mentioned. Bad Belted Kingfisher is a dark blue and almost blue/black from a wet writing pen so if you want the blue to show more, BBH is the one.

the world is small!!!  :smiley:

These are my:

Noblesse Oblige / Bohème / 145 Chopin / 114 Mozart / 142 vintage (1954)

Nice, is your Boheme the one that when you twist it the nib retracts into the barrel? At a Mont Blanc store I talked with the sales person showed me one that did.

reminiscent of the old safety filler of 20-30 years

Beautiful pens! I’m sure you gathered that I’m more of an ink person, but you have to appreciate a pen collection like that!

thanks! :wink:

It can be! ;D I like the looks of the nib on the Mozart as I’ve been enjoying stub’s lately.

I’ve been reading up on paper lately and the Tomoe River paper has a lot of fountain pen users lauding its properties. Never used it but it here’s what the site says about it.

Sounds interesting!

Hmmm, may have to grab some of that for my flex writing, because I can’t seem to find the perfect mixed Media paper

I usually stick to Clairefontaine, Rhodia (Clairefontaine makes their paper), and Fabriano. Of course I buy notebooks of all sorts too, but for FP use and especially flex they make some great paper. The Tomoe River sounds like a nice one as a good paper is essential to enjoying any nib as you know. :wink:

I’ve got the De Atramentis Saffron, aka ‘Gandhi’ which Goulet just did their Monday blog on and for a yellow it’s one of the better ones from any company imho. Doesn’t strain the eyes to read a page of text and is saturated enough to use other than a highlighter type like other yellows I’ve tried. Looks good coloring fish drawings and goes well with Diamine Mediterranean Blue!

I’m interested in getting fountain pen, I wanna experience dat unmatched writing feel.

That ink is good for standard paper, and comes with a free pen, There are other colors and versions of black, but that ink is blacker than black and resists feathering

Paper is a whole other level to fountain pen ownership. If I just had one ink, I’d still have paper that either feathers too much, won’t absorb a single blot of ink, or if it was perfect, the paper company changed the formula.

I used to buy Mead brand notebooks and paper, but then they changed and it stopped being any good. Then I bought stuff from Staples, I think Norcom was the brand, but I moved and haven’t found a cheap source of notebook paper, or composition notebooks.

Never tried the X-Feather but I know Heart of Darkness doesn’t feather on anything I’ve used it on, even newspaper.  Bulletproof too.

I’ve done the paper search too and when it changes it’s usually for the worse.  Some paper is so smooth, coated, or heat pressed it’s glassy and a FP will just skip.  Office store, Target, etc. notebooks are hit or miss for me but I can usually find a pen and ink that works.

Staples will let you buy a single sheet from their copier section so you can try out several brands/types.  Sustainable Earth wire-bound notebooks by Staples worked well for me on most pens and inks other than flex nibs.  Seems any wet writing flex nib needs FP paper to keep from feathering.
The Hewlett Packard 32lb bright white copier works well for loose leaf paper according to FPN and Goulet.

I’ll have to try heart of darkness, because I’ve noticed X-Feather being a little runny in my every day pens

Staples Sustainable Earth (sugar cane bagasse) paper in composition books works well for my fine nib pens. I usually get a dozen or so of the composition books when they are on sale at back to school time. Also, I’ve ordered the same paper in legal pads and also had good luck.

I’ve heard that made in Brazil paper is usually good for fountain pens.

got myself a lamy safari.

Great pen, you won’t be disappointed at all.

I’ve been using it for a couple of days and I really like it.