Does anyone know how to make my yoyo unresponsive?

My yoyo has became responsive… I do not know where I put my yoyo multi use tool. Does anyone know how to clean my yoyo without removing the bearing. I do not have needle nose pliers and I saw that online somewhere.

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The best thing to do is to find something that fits in the diameter of the bearing and tick the bearing like the bearing removal tool. You could try to carefully wash the bearing with soap and water and really really dry it using canned air or something but if any water gets trapped it might rust the bearing.

I wouldn’t use any solvents directly on the yoyo as it might damage the yoyo depending on the material. Best to remove bearing desheild and clean in your preferred solvent or solution depending on what fits your needs.


Thank you

If you have a set of drill bits you can use one with the proper diameter to remove the bearing. I wouldn’t try to clean the bearing while it’s in the yo-yo. Chances are you’ll ruin the response pads.

There are many threads here that explain how to clean your bearing properly. Just give a quick search on bearing cleaning.

What kind of Yo-yo do you have?

Removing the shields is optional, but a good step if you can do it.