Doc Pop String

I recently got a Doc Pop DIY and got my first taste of Zipline strings as one came with the yoyo.

But it doesn’t say what kind of Zipline it is, does anyone know? I want to get some more, best string I’ve ever used


Photo, please.

You could ask @DocPop


It’s probably the collab string I’m doing with Zipline. These only come with my yo-yos at the moment, but @jeremypark might have some plans for a release this year.


Thanks for the info doc, these are wonderful strings, looking forward to the possible drop, I’ll be stocking up

Jeremy was awesome enough to reach out to my email asking this question, he let me know it is the ZS.Air but, an exclusive colorway just for Doc Pop


ZS.Air is so good :weary:


Man, I gotta get me some ZS.Air… It’ll be in my mailbox as soon as money and I get along! :rofl:

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I know string is somewhat a personal choice…. I’ve tried more than a few Zipline options and like them all BUT the ZS Air. For some reason I just don’t love that string. I e gone back to it a few times and can’t make a piece with it on my finger.

That said, I’ve been “okay” with it as a 5A string but not my favorite there either. :man_shrugging:t2:

Everyone else I read/talk seems to love it.


This was my first taste of Zipline, I’ve got an order in to try some of everything they offer, I’d be curious is ZS.Air still comes out on top


I’m with you in the minority. it’s way too thick and bouncy for my taste and i find it too slippy. I’ve tried more than once but they just aren’t for me. now exec lites, that’s a different story. for me they’re worth every penny and more

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