Do you think Yomega is underrated?

I think the Glide and Prodigy are way underrated, but the rest of the company is right where it should be.

Not at all. Their yoyos are not up to date and do not play as well as any newer competition model

I remember during the 90s yoyo craze when I was in middle school, if you got a yoyo it was either Duncan or yomega. Duncan was the classic, but yomega was the cooler “more advanced” one (at least that’s what kids thought because of the price differences). I remember having the yomega brain that would come back on its own, but that was the “beginner” easy yoyo according to everyone I knew, so I got a fireball too. I remember a lot of hype over the raider, like it was the best thing in the world, but I never got one. I re-purchased a fireball when I got back into yoyoing a year or two ago, and I absolutely hate it. I haven’t tried a glide or prodigy, but at that price I think id rather go with a different company. Yomega holds nostalgic value, but that’s about it for me. But its all preference, as long as you like what you’re using, it shouldn’t matter the hype is whether it be overrated or underrated.


Are they not just a yoyo re-branding company anymore? Have they produced a legitimate product on their own in the recent years? Like actually designed and had produced, or produced themselves?

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I’m currently sponsored by them so maybe I can say a few things, but don’t take my words as theirs, this is simply my personal view.
I’ve been trying to send them yoyo designs before but are never realized. It seems that they want to focus more on the public market more than the enthusiast like us, which is the reason they have many distinctly different yoyos (compared to most companies). I think it’s good as they get more people especially kids into yoyoing.
So to answer the question, well, it’s not really underrated. Most people who post here are enthusiasts and they will see yoyos differently than say, parents who bought their kid some cool yoyos for Christmas. Maybe a yoyo enthusiast will only see the higher end models and probably the modded raider/fireball as the only thing from them to be taken seriously, but if you ask the public and see from their marketing perspective its all make sense.

Also quoted from Steve Brown’s comment on Yoyonews
“To play devil’s advocate here…consider every single Star Wars yoyo that has ever been released to date.
Are you really going to tell me that Yomega’s don’t play 1000x better than all of them? You might not be a fan of Yomega but at least we’re talking about perfectly good, WORKING yoyos here instead of the usual sound-and-light cheapo jobs that have been used for every other Star Wars yoyo to date. It’s a huge step up.”


What you said makes some sense, but why not focus on both?

They already have a lot of models for the general market. That is a tremendous base for absolute beginners. They have a great opportunity to now release a lot of intermediate and high end throws and gain more traction in that market too.

Maybe the high end yoyo market looks too crowded to them. Why spend a lot of resources (time and money) trying to get a hold there when they seem to be doing ok with the market they serve?

Yes that’s a fair point. Perhaps they should give more attention to high performing plastics then. Release some with standard bearings and response. They could perhaps do that without having to put in too much time and money.

I agree that Yomega has a lot of room for improvement.

Nice idea.


Please, there is NO reason to continually bump this post

This would be interesting with a poll.

-I’ve never really used a Yomega.

Silly Mt. Dew. Yoyos were not invented as a weapon.
I can’t think of a worse weapon.

Also, my brain I got years ago totally broke after a month.
Also, it’s those brains that make people think that there is some trick to my Too Hot.
Like if they just picked it up they could do anything because the yoyo does all the work.

It doesn’t take them long to figure that out though.

i never had any bad experience with yomega. they serve their target group very well and really deliver working yoyos for their cause.

Fireballs, Raiders, Brains were and still are huge successors for about 20 years and are fighting first line againts cheap crap yoyos and freebee crap which really harm the yoyo world.

Maverick/Dash is a fast undersized semi-responsive Full-metal which lead at least 2 players i know to modern yoyoing.

Glide is a decent high-end metal with really funky finish variants.

of course for people which came far enough to enter yoyo community their attractiveness fades, but never forget what they are achieving in every toy store worldwide.

This is all true. It’s just frustrating to me that with a little knowledge, [the consumer] could probably buy a far better product for far less.

Edited for Clarity.

they sure don`t lack knowledge. they are neither underratet or overratet. to me they are in the very right spot.
There is no need to release a series of high-end models next to the Glide. there is no chance to serve the premium market and everything else is totally crowded.

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Sorry, it was unclear that’s my fault.
The “They” was the consumer.

If the people who bought Yomegas had a little more knowledge then they could just get a classic or a replay and it would be a better throw for a comparable cost.

Short answer: I don’t think they’re underrated.

Long answer: I agree with what Ed said, I have a soft spot for them too as I started yoyoing during the big yoyo boom in the 90s. My first “real” yoyo was a Brain, then a Fireball which I played both for quite a while. I am thankful for Yomega during this time as I was ultimately initially turned on to yoyoing because of them (a kid at school in 6th grade had a Brain and I just had to have one). But not long after playing I discovered Playmaxx and AXL yoyos most of which were simply better, the Bumblebee always being my go to. I still have all of my old Yomegas and they still have that nostalgic feeling, but I feel they’ve served their purpose.

For the same cost you can get a better yoyo from Duncan, YYF, or YYJ. They haven’t made anything new in forever and you don’t even see them in stores anymore (at least I don’t) aside from Kendamas. Duncan and Yoyofactory seem to be what brick & mortar stores carry now (think Butterfly XT, Freehand, Metal Drifter, One, Onestar, etc). It just seems like they aren’t really trying anymore, maybe they’re just waiting for the yoyo boom to come full circle again. I haven’t personally played a Glide or any expensive Yomega and don’t really have the desire to. Why would I want to spend my hard earned money to support a product from a company that isn’t really involved in the yoyoing community anymore? If I’m tipping the $80-$100 scale for a new throw I’m looking at well renowned company, not Yomega, who I tend to view as more of a joke these days. I agree with whoever said their marketing is awful.

All in all I’m thankful and glad Yomega existed, but they need to get with the times, create some new (worthy) products, and ultimately get involved in the community if they want to be taken seriously again.

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When I play my Prodigy it reminds me of a marshmallow or a cream puff.

Still, the Glide & the Prodigy are 2 steps in the right direction for Yomega. I hope they can come out with another Elite Metal yoyo soon.