Do I need a titanium yoyo?


I made a new blog post on my site, but since I see this question a lot mostly on the forums I thought it would be beneficial to the community to post it here.

Do I need to buy a titanium yoyo? I see this question all the time. And although there are many people who fanboy over the ting sound they make, me included - my short honest answer, as a manufacture of titanium yoyos: No, you don’t.

Its interesting when I see this question. I usually see it from people who maybe are newer to the hobby, but has noticed the excitement over the titanium yoyos recently released. So this isn’t a surprising question to someone who might not be that deep into it yet. But let me explain.

I think there comes a point in someones “yoyoing career” where they hit this platau of how good they are. They usually can learn any tricks pretty easily, and can start to tell the small difference between each yoyo. They are skilled enough to do everything they know on a plastic yoyo, a metal yoyo, or a yoyo that is made from Uranium-235 (assuming they have some sort of radioactive protection). But like the player who is willing to go through the inconvenience of wearing a radiation suit just to enjoy a yoyo made from an exotic material, titanium is no different, but in this case the inconvenience is a higher price tag.

You can optimize the weight distribution much better so perhaps it can spin a bit longer - but that would be missing the point. In the same way a beautifully crafted stainless steel watch can tell the time a bit more accurately then a cheap plastic dollar store watch, there is not so much difference if your yardstick is purely performance based.

But somehow that stainless steel watch has a feeling of being more premium. A feeling of luxury or collectability, or that it could last a lifetime compared to its plastic counter part. It tells a story; has a soul. This experience, and feeling is what people are paying for. This is what a titanium yoyo is. And this is what I really focus on at Luftverk - it really is more than just the yoyo.

I think the last thing I need to say is - if you need to ask why, you probably shouldn’t. The people who know, just know. So whether you are ready or not is up to you to decide.

Now it is your turn. What are your thoughts?



Nahh, you do! ti is special! :slight_smile:


My thoughts are that I wish I had the cash for an Octavia :-[

I don’t necessarily need titanium. However, I do need the Octavia and its level of performance. I wouldn’t care if it was constructed from dog poo to reach its level of performance…other than the fact it would make my hands stink. So yeah, maybe I need titanium :wink:

correct, you don’t need ‘a’ titanium yoyo.

TWO is an essential minimum!


That would be an incredible yo-yo… right up until you walk the dog and spark WWIII. :slight_smile:

This was a well written piece. Great to see it come from someone who sells primarily titanium throws.