hey, I’ve never competed in anything, and after six months of being out of the game, I completely forgot the different regional contests…
can anyone help me out with dates and such?
hey, I’ve never competed in anything, and after six months of being out of the game, I completely forgot the different regional contests…
can anyone help me out with dates and such?
MER July 26th
Where’s it at? I’m interested in East coast as well (ya know, in NC), but not exactly sure if that’s a thing
SER was cancelled and there doesn’t seem to be any more information about it since it got cancelled
MWR, usually the third weekend of June.
pwnr feb (i think) 17
MER is in Plymouth, MI.
Steve Brown said there is supposed to be MAR (Mid-Atlantic Regionals) this year, however I know of know such dates. :-\
Mid-Atlantic Regionals (MAR) hasn’t happened in a couple years. Northeast Regionals (NER) is usually in April. MAR is usually in Delaware and NER is in Massachusetts.
PNWR (feb), BAC (may), SCR (?), BLC (aug or sept)
The ones i know about.