Dealing w/ change?

How is/was dealing w/ the change or lack of change when deciding to go w/ a NEW yoyo (after nats), before #ShanghaiShowdown?


Sup ibs. Its strange man. New yoyos take a little bit to get assimilated to in contests although, I know it’s worth it because Edge Beyond is pushing through combos with much more spin left over for me than OG Edge. Keeping the long answer short, it has taken some time for me to understand all the dynamics of this new yoyo, especially rotation speed, but after all is said and done, I should be performing slightly better with the new equipment.


Hi Evan, I’m a relative newbie but as I was browsing the YYE store this morning I was wondering if there could ever be a justification for a $200+ yoyo? I can tell from your post that you understand the minute differences in a was I definitely don’t, but is there ever a reason to spend more than, idk…, $150 on a yoyo? Maybe even that is too high.


p.s. I hope I’m not posting somewhere I shouldn’t be. Not sure if there’s any special rules around this part of the forum…

It’s all subjective, my man. Would I personally spend $200 on a yoyo if I wasn’t sponsored? Probably, actually. Would it be worth it? To me, yes. To others, maybe not. Some people spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on Lamborghinis and Bugattis. I personally would not make this type of purchase even if I had that much money, but to some people, it’s worth it.

I’d also say that to those with more time and practice invested into yoyoing, they will probably be more willing to invest a bit more into the yoyos they throw. If you are really new, I’d suggest starting off with a cheap throw like wedge or shutter. The capability difference between lower end and higher end throws really only shows up at high levels of play.

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Thank you for the detailed reply! I’m definitely going to keep this in mind when I’m ready for a new yoyo (just got a Wedge last Friday).

I just thought of another question, actually…

How long were you throwing, and what caliber of tricks were you capable of, before you really started focusing on making your own tricks? I just started working on the spirit bomb today and even landed it a couple times! I think my experience from ~8 years ago is accelerating my progress a bit, but it’s still exciting.

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What is the ETA for the Edge Beyond?

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I suggest creating a new topic if you have a new question!

Ah, sorry! I’m used to the Reddit style AMA threads where the person being asked questions is all contained in one long thread.