Dead Strings

I was curious what peoples dead strings look like… Would you post a picture of your new strings right next to your dead strings. Don’t matter if it’s kitty zekio or markmont I 'd just like to see where other people are stopping

Thanks, and keep throwing!


don’t have any really old strings right now, but you should always put a dead string on your string ball.


makes me think i should have made this a string ball post. Can’t find the right ball for my string ball… :slightly_frowning_face:

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you don’t have to have a ball, it can be pure string.make sure you have enough dead string to make a string ball. just kinda bundle up a string maybe two, then take another string, and if you wrap it vertical, (up and down) wrap the next string horizontal (side to side). then just keep repeating that process every time you “kill” a string, lol.

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I’m curious as well to see where others are stopping. Here’s a photo of one that I’ve been playing around with

for half a day. I have no idea what string this is, something I have lying around from a while back.


Lots of fraying on this type. If you kept playing after it gets like this does the fraying slim out to a cord?

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Yeah definitely lots of fraying. I usually stop at this point, it becomes harder to bind and land tricks consistently, so I don’t know what it could be like if I kept playing with it.

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why not find out?

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Some parts are frayed enough that I feel it could snap, so I don’t really want to push it. Plus I get annoyed that I start to miss my binds. Honestly I doubt it will get better if I continue to use it, the play quality degrades pretty clearly over time and I don’t believe it will actually get better when it’s really used.


lol ok, that’s fair. what kind of string do you usually use?

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I usually use these white ones that I posted previously, even though they’re not great! It’s just because I have them lying around. I need to try more strings!


cotton maybe?

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I believe they’re bulk poly. But it’s from long ago so I don’t totally know for sure.

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