Hi everyone!
I got a dark magic on tuesday in the mail as a late birthday present. When I first got it, it was very unresponsive and I loved it. Now, It is the loudest yoyo I have ever had, it vibes like crazy, and a lot of times the yoyo makes a sudden lod noise, vibrates like there is an earthquake, and stops spinning. Also, It is responsive now.
Also…a friend at school told me I should wear down the O-ring. How do I do that?
Oh, and he said something about cutting it off. Any Ideas???
EDIT: Also, I have one cap out and the other is accidentally put in backwards. I tried a suction cup and It did not work. Is the only other way to get it out is to stab the cap with a sharp object and pry it out?
Thanks for the help.
The noise means you are breaking in the bearing… as the yoyo is spinning the balls inside are grinding against the bearing, thus making it smoother. That should go away in time…
The vibe could occur because of many reasons… your throw, hair or debris got stuck in the bearing, or like I said before… the bearing is breaking in.
The responsiveness could be fixed with a small teeny drop of thin lube into the bearing, or loosen the yoyo halves a little.
Hope this helped and Good luck with your yoyo! ;D
Lube won’t make it less responsive. It will in fact make it more responsive for a little bit.
As for the vibe, do the finger test: Throw it and if it vibes put your fingernail to it. If it smoothens out, it’s your throw. If it doesn’t, it’s the yoyo.
You won’t really wear down the o-ring…
Sutting? I have no idea.
sorry, I meant to say cutting :o
Ha ok. Yes you can shave the o-ring. Just slice some of it off with a knife, but make sure not to cut yourself and if you’re young have adult supervision. This can make it more unresponsive, but don’t complain if it gives a little bit slippy binds.
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ok, thanks, I might do that now =)
I’ll let you know how it goes :-\
clean the bearing (i use brake cleaner) lube with thin lube (i use sewing machine oil) one drop and wipe excess off with clean rag cleaning as much oil off as possible. you should be non-responsive again. i went through the same with my magic. mine vibrates when i have a bad throw. hope this helps.
i found that to make it easier to get the side caps out, just toss it in the freezer for a few seconds. then use the suction cup to pop it out. just be careful not to leave it in there to long, it may crack the plastic, I’m not positive, but just to be on the safe side…
I tried it! My DM no longer has snappy binds. It just spun for at least a minute, even with my bad throw.
Thanks so much for the help!!!
8) :
To make the yoyo unresponsive, you can put thin lube on it or clean it because that also makes it responsive.
For the loud noise, just let it go because it will stop over time. ( It’s because the balls are rubbing against each other)
To fix the vibe, you could also try to clean the bearing (using paint thinner).
To take the caps off you can ythrow it in the freezer for like a minute and then pop it out.
Hope I helped!