Dark Magic II Bearing Went Boom!

i got my DM II a couple of months ago, and i switched the Speed Bearing supplied, when i pulled the original bearing off it went BOOM! and sparks flew everywhere, and the bearing blew into bits haha :slight_smile:
it doesn’t have seemed to affect the yoyo, it plays beautifully,
this ever happened to anybody else, with any YoYo? :slight_smile:

More than likely just a bad bearing from the get go. It’s happened but no sparks. Never happened on a YYJ though. YYF DV888 and a One drop P1.

No, sorry that’s never happened to me. But that small bearing IS hard to get out :frowning: But as stated above, you probably just had a defective bearing.


So what were you using to remove the bearing, a jack hammer ???

Naw he used gunpowder. I have trouble keeping my bearing on. Mine is black. What color is yours Micheal

a jackhammer? haha, no, just a small pair of pliers, just a pain to get out, really wedged in good, then just boom!
and if you mean what colour is my DM II, i got a red one! :slight_smile:

my dm2 is black and my bearings fall off if i’m not careful when its not screwed together.