I just realized that this year marks the 10th anniversary of the Dark Magic. Since this year is coming to a close, and I haven’t seen anything mentioning the Dark Magic’s 10th anniversary, I thought I should post something commemorating one of the best mid-priced yoyos ever.
I will never forget my first Dark Magic. It was a sparkling red Dark Magic I purchased from Dave’s Skill Toys way back in 2006. It was the first unresponsive yoyo I bought and quickly became my favorite. I played with it non-stop and learned many things on it . Unfortunately, it suffered the fate many yoyojam’s suffer: hub cracking and eventually breaking. I quickly purchased another one, and it too suffered the same fate. I now have a baby blue one, and it has lasted the longest but is starting to crack. I am probably going to retire it after I get a couple of the new Dark Magics for Christmas.
Thanks Andre and Yoyojam for making such an awesome yoyo.
I still have my original Dark Magic from the very first batch, purchased directly from André. I lost the caps many years ago and like yours it has cracked hubs but it’s still one of my favorites, and I love that the DMII is still around and still being made in new colorways. It goes to show what a good design it was/is.
You are so lucky to have a first run Dark Magic. Although, it is a shame the caps are lost. I wish I could have snagged one with the original cap artwork. I have always thought the original artwork was one Yoyojam’s best designs.
Thanks for posting the link. I love that website, lots of great stuff on there.
I have an original DM as well. I think that I may have tossed the caps though, unfortunately. I know they’re not on the throw right now, but they might be in a box somewhere.
The yoyo itself has some minor cracking, but I should really try to find those caps and polish up the rims.
Thanks for the very kind post! It is pretty amazing that it has been ten years since the original release of the yo-yo! I still throw it very often and new tutorials are being released soon featuring the DM2!
Yay,new tutorials,i love the DM2 as wel,that yoy help me out alot with learning extensive tricks, it was a perfect wait to give me long spin times and be incredibly stable to fit in alot of tech stuff, i cant to see the 10th anniversary edition.